In episode 277, Megan chats with Lyn Croyle, blogger at Cook Eat Live Love, about how lifelong learning is a strategy to accelerate business growth and have a bigger impact on her blog and personal life.

We cover information about how there’s different ways to learn, you don’t need to learn everything at once or have a base knowledge to get started and learning encompasses courses, classes, masterminds and getting help from peers and podcasts.

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Guest Details

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Lyn has been blogging since July 2018 at Cook Eat Live Love. She creates and develops vegan and vegetarian recipes geared towards families who are looking to add more plant-based foods into simple, easy to prepare meals. Lyn discovered a few years back that learning is one of her strengths. It’s something she loves and lights her up! It may not come so easy for some and learning may look different for each person, but it’s a necessity in order to move forward and grow.


  • Be an avid learner by constantly reading and a gatherer of information.
  • Try a strengths test like Gallup and learn what you do well and learn what characteristics you have that help you learn.
  • If you don’t know where to start, find something free that you find easy to do, like listening to a podcast or reading a book.
  • There’s so much to learn so just do one thing. Focus on just that before picking up something else.
  • Google and YouTube are great resources.
  • If you are unsure where to put your focus, ask other food bloggers what they wish they would’ve focused on earlier in their journey.
  • If we wait to learn things, we’re never going to move forward. You just have to take that leap and do it even if it’s just a mess.
  • As a food blogger, you’re teaching in a way.  In order to teach, you have to be a learner.
  • Be intentional about meeting other food bloggers, get involved in a group and have people you can learn from and bounce ideas off of.

Resources Mentioned

Gallup Strengths

Top Hat Rank


Click for full text.

277 Lyn Croyle

Lyn Croyle: Hi, this is Lynn from Cook Eat Live Love, and you are listening to the Eat Blog Talk podcast. 

Sponsor: Hey, awesome food bloggers. Before we dig into this episode, I have a really quick favor to ask you. Go to your favorite podcast player, go to Eat Blog Talk, scroll down to the bottom where you see the ratings and review section. Leave Eat Blog Talk a five star rating if you love this podcast and leave a great review. This will only benefit this podcast. It adds value. I so very much appreciate your efforts with this. Thank you so much for doing this. Okay. Now onto the episode. 

Megan Porta: Hello, food bloggers. Welcome to Eat Blog Talk, the podcast for food bloggers looking for the value and confidence that will move the needle forward in your business. This episode is sponsored by RankIQ and I am your host, Megan Porta and you’re listening to episode 277. Today, Lyn and I are going to have a conversation about using lifelong learning to make an impact as a food blogger and entrepreneur. Lyn has been blogging since July 2018 at Cook Eat Live Love. She creates and develops vegan and vegetarian recipes geared toward families who are looking to add more plant-based foods into simple easy to prepare meals. Lyn discovered a few years back that learning is one of her strengths. It is something she loves and it lights her up. It may not come so easy for some and learning may look different for each person, but it’s a necessity in order to move forward and grow. Lyn, I am super excited about this. This topic is so near and dear to my heart. So I’m really excited to dig into this with you. But first we all want to hear what your fun fact is. 

Lyn Croyle: Great, Megan, thank you so much. I’m so happy to be here and I appreciate you giving me this opportunity. My fun fact is that in 2018, I sold everything that I owned. At the time I was living in New York City and I moved to Peru. I’ve been living here ever since. 

Megan Porta: Oh, wait. You’re in Peru?

Lyn Croyle: I’m in Peru. Yes. So I run my business from here.

Megan Porta: I did not know that. Whoa. Okay. So how is life in Peru compared to, I’m assuming you were in the United States? 

Lyn Croyle: Yes, I was in the United States. I lived in New York. 

Megan Porta: Yeah. So how is it? Compare it for us. How is it compared to living in New York? 

Lyn Croyle: I live in Lima, which is the main capital of Peru. It’s a large city. So in a lot of ways, it’s very similar to New York City. I think it made the transition easier for me because I don’t have a car here just like I didn’t in New York City. So it’s easy for me to rely on walking and public transportation to get around. Though of course, some of that has been more challenging in the last year and a half. But it’s good. I enjoy it. I enjoy living here. The biggest thing really probably is it’s a different language. 

Megan Porta: Yeah. Ooh. That is amazing. I’m a little bit jealous. I feel like we all want to flee the United States right now. But yeah, really cool. Awesome. Okay. So I mentioned this before but I’m really excited to talk about lifelong learning. It’s funny that I haven’t really given this topic a ton of attention because I feel so strongly about it. There’s so many good resources out there, so much good information available. We’ve got free podcasts material all over the place. Books cost, what, between 15 and $25. That’s such a low price to pay for the amount of information that’s packed inside of some of them. So I want to talk about this with you. How has lifelong learning benefited you and what’s your story with it? 

Lyn Croyle: I think I’ve always tended towards being an avid learner. I went back to school, as a mid-career adult, I went back to school to study nutrition. I’m a constant reader. A gatherer of information. Then in 2017, I took this Gallup strengths test and came to find out it’s my top strength. As I was reading my results from taking this test, I couldn’t believe it. It was like I was reading about myself. They’re just generalizations, but I have all of these characteristics that were part of being a learner as a strength. So that’s really where I started to dive into it and really use it to move myself forward.

Megan Porta: That’s awesome. So what if somebody is listening and they’re like, but I’m not like that. I don’t love learning. Is this episode for them? Is there something that they’ll be able to take away from it? Because I feel like everyone can tap into lifelong learning, even if it’s not something that you would consider a strength, like you. What are your thoughts about that?

Lyn Croyle: Sure. I think that a lot of times we associate learning with something that takes place in a classroom, but there are so many other ways to learn. I think it’s looking for what works best for you. Even if it’s not a strength for you, I think in this business as a food blogger, you have to at least find ways to work it into how you run your business because it’s a necessity. There’s just so much to learn. There’s so much that you have to do as you’re starting out. 

Megan Porta: I absolutely love that point because learning doesn’t need to be like sitting in a boring college classroom, listening to a professor drone on. It can be so many different things, especially for entrepreneurs. We have video learning, audio learning, and courses. If you’re a visual reader, if you learn that way, there are so many different ways to learn. So that’s great. 

Lyn Croyle: Yes, definitely. I agree. 

Megan Porta: Good news for anyone who does not consider themselves a quote learner. There are many different ways to go about this. So what about the challenge of just being overwhelmed? Because there’s a lot going on in our space and I can see where people might just notice everything and stop and not take action because there’s so much. 

Lyn Croyle: I think the first hurdle that at least I encountered was twofold. One is not knowing where to start. Then also at the same time, just feeling like there’s so much that you need to know. The way that I try to approach it was to just, at least initially, was to just try to do one thing. If I was really struggling with learning how to do something, it was just trying to move forward on one thing and not trying to get a ton of things done. Then as I was able to master something, I could move on to something else. Then that way I just didn’t feel so overwhelmed. No, I was going to say also Google was my best friend early on. I think the first year, like if I had any question, I would just Google it and try to find the answer. 

Megan Porta: And YouTube. I feel like we can learn absolutely anything on Google and YouTube, literally so if you’ve got something, just one thing that you want to learn, or maybe dig into at least a little bit, go there. You’re guaranteed to find something. Okay that’s great. I love that advice. Just finding one little thing. It’s like that whole big concept of not looking through to the end and getting overwhelmed by making huge strides and huge progress. Instead of just looking at what’s in front of you and taking one little step. So how do you recommend people figure out what to dig into because there are so many facets? So maybe they’ve got SEO in their face and Pinterest and social media and so many other things. How do they figure out what that one thing is? 

Lyn Croyle: I don’t know if I have the exact answer. I feel like that could be different for everyone. I’ll say for me, the one thing that, if I could look back on my three and a half years of blogging from where I started to where I’m at right now, the one thing that I probably didn’t do soon enough, was learn about SEO. About keywording in particular. Those two things, they’ve been a vast part of my learning in the last year and a half. They’ve really started to begin to make a difference. 

Megan Porta: You really can’t go wrong with that. Starting with SEO and keyword research because those things will have quick payoff. So if you want to grow quickly, that’s probably a great place to start.

Lyn Croyle: Definitely. Definitely. 

Megan Porta: So talk to us about learning by actually doing and what you mean by that. So food blogging is doing things, testing things out, experimenting, making lots of mistakes and growing. So talk to us about that. 

Lyn Croyle: Sure. I think that, if we wait to learn, if we wait to learn things, we’re never going to move forward. So sometimes you just have to take that leap and do it even if it’s just a mess. I think that all of us, maybe not everyone, but a lot of food bloggers we all have that content on our site that is from the first post that we did. That we go back and we look at it and we cringe. Whether it’s from a photography standpoint or whether it’s from how we wrote the recipe and assembled the content. I think everyone has that. 

Megan Porta: Absolutely. 

Lyn Croyle: But even by diving in, you’re learning about how to do things and just taking action to move forward. That every single time you’re posting content, it’s better than the last time. Each one is better. You’re making adjustments and fixing things and moving forward. 

Megan Porta: So really by nature, food blogging is learning. Because it’s the nature of the job. If you’re not learning, you’re not moving forward, you basically have stopped food blogging. 

Lyn Croyle: I would say yes, but then, the other part of it too, is that as a food blogger, you’re teaching in a way. So learning and teaching, I feel are very tied together as well. In order to teach, you have to be a learner. So I feel like those two things are very much tied together. 

Megan Porta: Share with us what you’ve learned and how? What resources are your favorites? What did you first start diving into as far as learning about food blogging? You mentioned SEO and keyword research, but what else do you learn and what do you recommend others digging into? 

Lyn Croyle: I think, finding sources of education that you enjoy the teacher, you enjoy the speaker. There’s the, I can’t remember the name of it. The SEO for publishers series that has Casey Markee.

Megan Porta: Are you talking about Top Hat Rank?

Lyn Croyle: Top Hat Rank, thank you. Yes. That’s an excellent source of a place to start. I feel like I’ve really benefited from that and it’s free. I think it’s also about content like yours, that is just listening to podcasts and learning from other people’s experiences. That’s part of growing and learning as well. 

Megan Porta: What about books? Because I’m such a nerd when it comes to business books. I feel like if I don’t cut myself off, I’m constantly consuming business and mindset material to help me grow and become better and more well-rounded and just all the good things. So give us your thoughts on books. 

Lyn Croyle: So I enjoy reading. I definitely am a big reader. I would say I read less today than I did previously. I like to be inspired. I enjoy books on mindset. I learn a lot from those and I feel the other element of learning is also learning about yourself and how to be an entrepreneur, how to be a self-motivator. Those are all really important characteristics that a food blogger needs to have. They don’t necessarily come easily to everyone. That’s something that does not come easily for me. It’s something I have to work at every day to show up and be present and get the work done. But I have lately been listening to audio books and I use them as a way to get outside to exercise. I’ve been choosing books that are memoirs, but they’re inspirational. I’ve been just eating them up. They’re just great. 

Megan Porta: And you can learn stuff from those too, right? Memoirs are an example of somebody’s life, history of somebody’s life. Life is all about lessons. So there’s always lessons to pull from other people’s stories. 

Lyn Croyle: I feel like the ones that I’ve been listening to are geared towards, they’re that. They’re not like a story about someone’s life. They’re around that idea of moving forward, being successful, that type of thing. 

Megan Porta: I love that you do audio books. I am the same. I am always reading. My family makes fun of me because I’m always reading like two paper books. Then I’ve got two audio books going on too. I dig into whatever I feel I’m in the mood for, which is ridiculous. But I’ve tried to reign it in and yeah focus on one book at a time, but it’s not how my brain works. I have to be following different stories for some reason. What’s wrong with me, Lyn?

Lyn Croyle: There’s nothing wrong with you. 

Megan Porta: I think that books are like the best bang for your buck, basically, because you can get so much valuable information by spending $20. Think of the authors. Who’ve put how many countless hours and months, and maybe even years into one little book and they know so much about a specific topic. My biggest takeaway is just if you really want to dig into learning, yes do those free things like the webinars and the podcasts consistently, but also really get to know some books. You mentioned earlier just like learning about yourself. I think that’s a really important takeaway as well. Because if you don’t know yourself and you’re not willing to grow in that way and with your mindset and those sorts of things, then you’re not going to grow as much in your business.

Lyn Croyle: I totally agree with that. I feel like 2021 for me was learning that lesson. That was the lesson that I needed to learn, was that coming to the realization that possibly the reason that I wasn’t moving forward in the way that I wanted to is because I kept getting in my own way. I feel like if it hadn’t been for your podcast and other podcasts that I like, other people that are really into the whole mindset thing, I’m not sure if I would have made that connection. So that was the one really big learning experience that I had for 2021.

Megan Porta: Oh, I love hearing that. I think that’s a good piece of encouragement for food bloggers too, because if you don’t know where to turn or you don’t know what you need to learn, turn to each other. Turn to your fellow food bloggers to connect with them and grow together, whether it’s in a group or a forum, or just reaching out on Instagram or emailing. That is a really good place to start.

Sponsor: Let’s take a really quick break to talk about a service I’m really excited to share with you. As a food blogger you’ve got so much on your plate. You are busy developing recipes, taking photos, writing posts, managing social media, and all of the other things. You work hard to help your readers live a more delicious life. Even though you enjoy working in your business,I think we all do it because we love it, your to-do list is probably a mile long. You know what I’m talking about. Maybe there are certain things you’d rather not deal with, such as writing. If writing is not your cup of tea, you do not have to go it alone. 

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Lyn Croyle: Definitely 2021 was also the first year that I had a group of food bloggers that I met with twice a month just via the internet. That was the first full year that we were doing our meetings. That has been tremendous because it’s fun. It’s fun to get on a call with them, but then at the same time, we’re all sharing our experiences. We’re all learning from each other. That’s been another huge, valuable tool that I had in 2021, that I feel like helped me move forward.

Megan Porta: It’s game changing. If you can find a small group of people that you really connect with and who support you and encourage you and who share with you openly, because there are those groups that are toxic. I know I’ve heard of them. I’ve seen them in action. So find the supportive, encouraging type of group. That is so game changing. 

Lyn Croyle: Yeah. Our group is definitely not toxic. I feel like it’s a place that is extremely supportive. It’s a place where all of us are comfortable being vulnerable if we need to be. I feel like too, At the moments that I could have thrown in the towel, I knew that I had them to talk me through those hard times. So, that part has been game changing as well. 

Megan Porta: Oh my gosh. Yeah. I cannot stress that enough. So go buy some books, find some books that resonate that are going to teach you about yourself. Help you learn and grow in your mindset and also in your business and also find your people. So what do you think about hiring out? This can kinda relate to the topic that we’re talking about. Not doing those things that you really shouldn’t be doing in your business or that you don’t want to learn about. What are your thoughts on all of that? 

Lyn Croyle: So I think that another mistake that I didn’t do early on is that I wasn’t willing to invest money in some learning that I really needed. In particular relating to SEO and keywording. There were two instances that I could backtrack over the last two years where I held off on making a decision that was financially based, that held me back. It’s okay. Again, you learn from those experiences. You learn from those mistakes. But I feel like I could have been a little further along than I am now had I done those things a little earlier. So I think that one is just knowing that at some point in time, you’re going to have to spend the money, even if you’re not making the money. You’ve got to take it that it’s an investment that you’re making into your business. Try to set money aside to save up for it, whatever you need to do. Take on work as a VA to try to make some money to be able to pay for it. 

Megan Porta: Yeah. This is a tough one. I see food bloggers struggle with this all the time and I get it because I’ve been there too. You are doing something, whatever the task or project is that you don’t love, but you’re like why would I hire out? Because I can do it. Why would I pay someone else to do it? It’s so pivotal, when you get to that place where you realize you either need help or you need to invest in a part of your business, even if you’re not making money. I think your point is so spot on. If you have to save up for it, then do that. Make a plan, maybe make a six month plan or something like that. 

Lyn Croyle: Definitely.

Megan Porta: Then how do you recommend sorting through the investments that we make? Because there are a lot of opportunities to invest, whether it’s through outsourcing or maybe investing in a mastermind group or coaching or in a course. How do you sort through all of that?

Lyn Croyle: I think you’ve got to look at what it is that you need to accomplish and move forward. So this year for me, I’ve set aside a couple topics that I’d like to learn about. For me, one is photography. I haven’t really taken a photography course yet. I’ve just been self-taught watching free videos. I did a little group. I don’t know what you would call it, like group membership learning that really helped a lot, but I think it’s just whatever your goals are. But then also looking at where do you need the help the most and how is that going to help move your business forward? So I just finished taking the Cooking With Keywords course, which is one of the things that I feel like I wish it had been around a long time ago, because it was just amazing. I learned so much. I would also look at what recommendations from other people, because there are some classes, some courses maybe that aren’t so great out there. So what are other people saying? What did they learn from them? 

Megan Porta: Yeah. Another reason to find that group that you really trust, and you can lean on them for support. 

Lyn Croyle: Yes, definitely. 

Megan Porta: This is all great. Is there anything that we’re missing as far as learning, like how we talked about how to get started or what to focus on first? Digging into free resources, webinars, podcasts, et cetera. Finding those people that you can connect with, who are going to help you learn and grow and support you. What else? What are we missing? 

Lyn Croyle: I think that there can also be a negative side to learning. At least for someone like me, who really it’s my strength, but at times, it could hold me back because I feel like I need to learn more in order to do something. That isn’t always the case. Sometimes we need to have knowledge before we take steps, but not always. So that would be one, is that it can hold you back on moving forward. Sometimes you’ve just got to jump head first or whatever, and just trust that enough to move forward and then do that learning as you’re going, process. 

Megan Porta: It doesn’t have to be perfect. You don’t have to dive in knowing everything or thinking that you’re going to get it all right. Just learning one thing at a time. 

Lyn Croyle: Yeah, definitely. I also think that learning too much can sometimes be overwhelming. There’s a lot of different approaches. I know that early on, I found this Facebook group and was just inundated by all the things that I didn’t know. Constantly people were posting about this and I’d be like, oh gosh, I don’t know that yet. It was just overwhelming and I had to just turn it off for a while and move forward on what I could accomplish. I also think about finding sources that you can trust, because there’s lots of different ways you can go about this and ways that you can do it. There’s not just one way to write a food blog. But I think it’s trying to get your information from sources that you trust and not from everyone, so to speak. 

Megan Porta: How much time do you dedicate to learning? Do you have time set aside each week or do you just go with the flow?

Lyn Croyle: I generally go with the flow. I do learning through podcasts and reading pretty regularly. I wouldn’t say every day. But when I have an opportunity to listen to a book or read or listen to a podcast, I’ll do that. Active learning, I don’t know that I actually have time set aside. When I signed up to take the Cooking With Keywords course, I set time aside for that. I finished it in like a few days because I wanted to get through it and because I needed to quickly. But I think, for 2022 what I’ve done is not set aside time weekly or daily. Because I don’t know that I have that. But I have given myself a few things I would like to focus on learning for this year and then I’ll look for opportunities, when I can fit them in. Then I think once I sign up for a course, go ahead and try to get it done as quickly as possible. 

Megan Porta: What do you think about in-person conferences and learning that way? I’m curious to get your thoughts on that. 

Lyn Croyle: Oh, I love it. I love it. I would love it. I just wish that we would see the end of COVID that would allow us to do that more easily. I’ve been to conferences before, not necessarily food blogging, but they’re just so life-changing. Because you meet people there. If it’s a good conference, you walk away with so much knowledge and information. You’re super passionate about what you’re doing and you just can’t wait to get back to work. So I think that from that perspective there’s no substitute for that. 

Megan Porta: I agree with that. I know. It has been really hard with COVID, not being able to do things like that more. They haven’t been as accessible. But things are starting back up and I highly encourage people to take advantage of the ones that are actually doing conferences this year and next year, because it is so life-changing. Even having experienced many conferences, going into new ones, I can’t even describe it. Basically what I’m trying to say is that in your mind, you might think it’s great, but it’s even better in real life. So good. Then I have one more question for you. I always get to this point, if I’ve gotten through a week where I’ve just done a little bit too much learning. Maybe I consumed a few too many podcasts and books. I get to this point where I’m like, Okay. My brain is shut off and I literally just can’t take in any more information. Do you ever get to that point? 

Lyn Croyle: Of course I do. It can be too much. You can only do so much. 

Megan Porta: That’s your mind’s way of saying take a break. Go rest, hang out with the people you love and learn next week. Start again next week. 

Lyn Croyle: Definitely. Definitely. 

Megan Porta: Is there anything else we’ve missed about learning and being a lifelong learner and how we can encourage food bloggers to dig into learning consistently?

Lyn Croyle: No, I think that’s it. 

Megan Porta: We’ve talked about a lot and hopefully given food bloggers some really good encouragement to just dig into some resources. Okay. I have to ask you this. I was lying. I said I had one last question, but this is really my last question. I promise. Do you have any book recommendations as far as mindset or business or anything that would help food bloggers grow? 

Lyn Croyle: So if you’re looking for a fun read, that’s super inspiring, I just finished listening to Shonda Rhimes, The Year Of Yes. That was unbelievable. I would recommend listening to it in the audio books. She’s really fun to listen to. 

Megan Porta: I loved that book. That was so good. 

Lyn Croyle: Nothing’s coming to mind off the top of my head. 

Megan Porta: That’s okay. Can I rattle off a few of my favorites? I have a nerdy document here. So I know I’ve talked about this before on the podcast. So if you’ve heard it before, I apologize. I’m mildly to moderately obsessed with Atomic Habits by James Clear. It is one of the best books, hands down, whether you operate a business or not. But it digs into habits and how you can just be a more effective, efficient human by figuring out how to make better habits.

If you are looking for something to really give you a roadmap about how you need to proceed as an entrepreneur, The Common Path To Uncommon Success by John Lee Dumas is so phenomenal. I absolutely love that one. Building a StoryBrand. If you are struggling with having a story for your business, that you can communicate to your audience and knowing who you’re talking to and all of that, it is such a game changer book. Building a StoryBrand by Donald Miller. I think everyone should read that. Then The Four Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss is one of my favorites that just walks through ways to be more productive and do less, accomplish more and earn more. It’s a great book as well. I could go on and on, but I’ll stop there. 

Lyn Croyle: Atomic Habits is next on my list to read. I listened to a podcast with him recently. I think Berne Brown interviewed him and it was really an interesting conversation. I definitely have to read it. 

Megan Porta: I’m on his email list. It’s like the only email that I read every single week, every word of. It’s that email, I’m not kidding. I’ll see it pop up in my inbox and most other emails I’m like, ugh, another email I have to delete. But his, I got excited and I read the whole thing. Usually I’m super inspired by something. One or two things that he writes. He’s brilliant. So I highly recommend that. If anyone ever needs a business book or mindset book, or podcast ideas, I have so many, so reach out to me and ask me or Lyn. She might have some ideas too, and I’m more than willing to share my thoughts with you. So thank you for being here, Lyn. This was super fun. 

Lyn Croyle: Thank you so much. I’m so excited to be here.

Megan Porta: Yeah. So do you have a quote or words of inspiration to share with food bloggers before we go? 

Lyn Croyle: I do. I have a quote by Berne Brown. She says that the most powerful teaching moments are the ones where you screw up. I share that because I think that it applies to both teaching and learning. It reminds me that it’s okay to make mistakes because it’s a form of learning and it’s a path to move forward. 

Megan Porta: That speaks to me. That’s one of my main messages. I love that. Thank you for ending that way. We will put together a show notes page for you, Lyn. So if you want to go look at those, you can go to I love your website name by the way. It’s so great. 

Lyn Croyle: Thank you. 

Megan Porta: Why don’t you tell everyone where they can find you online and on social media and everywhere. 

Lyn Croyle: Sure. So I am Cook Eat Live Love on Instagram and other platforms. I would say that I’m probably the most active on Instagram. My blog is also 

Megan Porta: Awesome. Everyone go check Lyn out and thank you for being here, Lyn so much. Thank you for listening today, food bloggers. I will see you in the next episode. 

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