In episode 437, Megan chats to Jessica Scully about dealing with the uphill battles in blogging, especially when you see a dramatic, instant drop in traffic.
We cover information about how to handle traffic plummeting on your site, how to avoid discouragement taking over, why and how to diversify your traffic when you should consider getting help from the outside, where to focus first, and how to find renewed motivation.
Listen on the player below or on iTunes, TuneIn, Stitcher, or your favorite podcast player. Or scroll down to read a full transcript.
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Guest Details
Connect with Paleo Scaleo
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Bio Jessica began her journey into food blogging after her family had a house fire and had to move out for 11 months. Blogging became a hobby to distract her mind that then grew into a business! A former gym owner, personal trainer, and homeschool mom to her 5-year-old, Jessica has been running the food blog since 2015 and has seen her fair share of ups and downs.
- Get back in the game.
- Create your character and build a story to connect with your audience.
- Dig into SEO again.
- Post consistently.
- Get accountable – give yourself due dates and send out information regularly.
- Be relatable to your audience vs strictly following a niche.
- Determine your dedication to blogging.
- Have a presence on the platforms to gain new + deliver to current viewers.
- Find someone to keep you accountable & motivated – a buddy, team, or company.
Click for full script.
EBT437 – Jessica Scully
Intro: Food bloggers, hi, how are you today? Thank you so much for tuning in to the Eat Blog Talk podcast. This is the place for food bloggers to get information and inspiration to accelerate your blog’s growth and ultimately help you to achieve your freedom, whether that’s financial, personal, or professional.
I’m Megan Porta and I’ve been a food blogger for over 12 years. I understand how isolating food blogging can be at times. I’m on a mission to motivate, inspire, and most importantly, let each and every food blogger, including you, know that you are heard and supported.
This is one of the most relevant topics that we can discuss this summer because I personally know a lot of food bloggers who are going through this right now and it stinks, it’s discouraging, it’s hard. Jessica Scully from PaleoScalio joins me inside this episode to talk about something that happened to her recently, which was dramatic instant traffic loss. She has no idea why it happened. There was really no explanation, but it happened. So she had to somehow pick herself up and move forward and keep blogging despite the discouragement.
I know a lot of you are experiencing this as well, and I’m so sorry you are. Hopefully this conversation will give you a little bit of encouragement and inspiration to keep moving forward despite whatever’s going on. This is episode number 437 sponsored by RankIQ.
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Megan Porta: Jessica began her journey into food blogging after her family had a house fire and had to move out for 11 months. Blogging became a hobby to distract her mind, then grew into a business. A former gym owner, personal trainer, and homeschool mom to her five year old, Jessica has been running the food blog since 2015 and has seen her fair share of ups and downs. Hello, Jessica. Thanks for being on the podcast. How are you today?
Jessica Scully: I’m great. Thanks for having me.
Megan Porta: Yes, I’m very excited to dive into this topic because it is relevant for many people, unfortunately. Before we get to that, what is your fun fact that you’re going to share with us?
Jessica Scully: My fun fact is that I have a master’s degree in forensic psychology and I spent 10 years working in police departments doing criminal intelligence analysis and studying gangs. I know.
Megan Porta: That sounds intense.
Jessica Scully: It was, but also super interesting.
Megan Porta: Yeah, very interesting and such a far cry from food blogging. Wow. So you’ve got the whole scope of projects that you’ve worked on. But speaking of food blogging, tell us about your journey. Where did you start? When? How has your blog evolved?
Jessica Scully: Sure. So I started my blog actually in 2015 was the first iteration of it. We actually had a house fire at our home and we moved out for 11 months and we were in a rental house. I started cooking and making recipes a little bit more in the kitchen because I was trying to distract my brain from what was going on and give myself something else to focus on. As I started making the recipes, we started saying, these are pretty good. I want to write this down so that I can make it again. So I just started this little website. It’s not the one you’ll see today. So I started that and had no idea what I was doing. I was just documenting for myself.
At the same time, I was working for a company that I was working in tech support and the company, their website was built on WordPress. So I learned the whole back end of WordPress, how all the functionality, how everything worked and basically took everything that I learned from there and applied it to my food blog and set up hosting and set up everything and then just slowly learned how to do better photography and optimize everything and gain some traffic. I just really put my nose to the grindstone and qualified for Mediavine and have just kept going since then.
Megan Porta: Amazing. Sorry about your fire. That’s devastating.
Jessica Scully: It’s okay. It was a long time ago.
Megan Porta: Yeah. So at what point did you start your new food blog? I know you had an old one. This is your new one. What year did you start your new food blog?
Jessica Scully: It was probably within 2015 or 2016. The old one was the same thing, it was just not hosted. It was So not I learned all of that from the company I was working with and I would have my work open in one window and my blog opened in the other window and it was rinse and repeat. If I applied it over here, then I would go over to my blog and be like, oh, now I know how to do that. I applied it. So that was how I built the entire website.
Megan Porta: Okay. So you got into Mediavine fairly quickly. Did it take a year or two? How long did that take?
Jessica Scully: Yeah, that took a little while. At the time that I qualified for Mediavine, their requirements were less than they are now. So I had a little bit of a better chance there. I think they were at 30,000 and now they’re 50,000. So it was a little bit easier for me to qualify for that. I think it took me maybe a year and a half.
Megan Porta: Okay. Then at that point, your traffic just continued to grow over time?
Jessica Scully: It did. I was posting pretty regularly. I was doing a lot of work on it. I will say that over the years I have ebbed and flowed away from it. Times when I’ve been able to focus on it and times when I’ve drifted away from it. But at that time, I was posting a lot and obviously trying to qualify. So I was pushing in a lot of different areas trying to get my traffic up.
Megan Porta: Okay. Then I know recently, you have experienced some traffic loss. So tell us about that.
Jessica Scully: So I’ve had a lot of different careers and I’ve done a lot of different things. Obviously we started with forensic psychology and went into the tech support and all of those things. I worked in other areas too. I also used to own a gym and I was focused very heavily on growing. That was a brick and mortar business, and so I was focused very heavily on growing that and I wasn’t doing a lot of posting on the blog, but I was still keeping an eye on it and checking on it. Everything was pretty steady. Then in March of 2022, it literally just nosedived. There is a vertical line in Google analytics. It starts in March of 2022, that just makes a very sharp slope down. I couldn’t figure out what caused it. I researched everything I could. I tried to post in a bunch of the Facebook groups. I tried to post in Food Blogger Central a couple of times. I tried to post in the Mediavine group a couple of times. I just said, Hey, is anybody else seeing this? This is what’s happening to me. I would get denied by the group admins every time. They would say, it’s Q1 or it’s Q4, or please refer to the resources or, search the group. Things have already been posted. But nobody was posting the same thing. I’m like, why? I couldn’t get it approved. Eventually one got approved, I think in Food Blogger Central. A bunch of people were like me, same, March 2022. So nobody really had a, this is what I know happened. I don’t know if anything happened.
Megan Porta: Was it an algorithm or could you pinpoint the Penguin tool? Did you research that? Some sort of Google change? I’m sure you researched all of this.
Jessica Scully: There was one change in Google where they did an update and it had something to do with reviews. But I think it was more like product reviews. Their update was like basically dinging sites with product reviews and the way that they were structured. So I was like, I don’t think that’s me. So I don’t know. I have a theory that I can’t prove, but I think that a couple of things happened. One, my niche is paleo. So everything I do is gluten free, dairy free, grain free, soy free. People are like, what can I eat? I’m like, you can eat vegetables and protein and delicious food. But when I started the blog, that was I think a very popular thing. I think there’s always trends with food. So I think we’ve gone keto and we’ve gone a lot of different ways. I think that maybe attention has been pulled away from that a little bit. I hate to blame it on COVID. But I also think that people spent two years at home cooking. Around March of 2022 was when my brick and mortar business opened back up. Did they get tired of cooking? I don’t know. Those are my theories. I don’t know if any of them are true, but.
Megan Porta: Yeah, no, I like them. They sound like good theories to me. Okay, so how did you move forward at that point? Did you find yourself in discouragement? How were you feeling about all of that? I’m sure it was not a fun feeling.
Jessica Scully: Yeah, super discouraged. So I changed my theme. I changed my host. Surely I can just do all of these things and one of these things is just going to bring all my traffic back. But we all know that’s not actually the case. But I needed to feel like I was doing something to move it forward. So I’m like, okay, what can I change? I don’t like this. I don’t like that. Make sure my site speeds as fast as it can be. Make sure my site looks as good as it can look. So I switched all of that, and it didn’t really change anything. At one point I said to myself, maybe you’re just done. Is this really worth the fight to try to get it back? Maybe it was just a season of your life and it’s over. Maybe you just move on to your next project. But I’m pretty stubborn. I was like, no, I’m not going to go out like that. I go out on my own terms. So I just decided to dive back in. There were a lot of things I wasn’t doing. I wasn’t posting regularly and I just needed to get more active and back involved in it. I had back burnered it for a long time. Which could have contributed to the traffic downfall, but at the same time it was also very dramatic, inexplicable. I’ve just tried to refocus and remotivate and pick up where I left off and see if I can change the direction of things.
Megan Porta: Good for you for just not giving in to the discouragement and for picking yourself back up and moving forward. I think that a lot of people would not have made that choice. So giving yourself a pat on the back for that, I think is huge. Then did you at that point create a more consistent posting schedule or publishing schedule?
Jessica Scully: Yeah, so what I’ve done actually is really think about where to focus my efforts for the most impact. I’ve always been more on the SEO side of things than the social media side of things. I really don’t like social media. It’s a necessary evil for your business. You’ve got to do it, but it’s not my favorite thing to do. So I’ve been trying to focus on growing organic traffic. That’s what I lost. So trying to get that back. My sister actually has a company, a marketing company. So we’ve been working together. They focus on health and wellness industry clients. So we’ve been working together to create a strategy from there. Are you familiar with story brands?
Megan Porta: Yes. Yep.
Jessica Scully: Okay. So there’s a story brand marketing certified marketing company. So they’ve worked with me along those lines to create the brand script and inviting the clients into a story, right? Inviting your readers into what your story is and making it stand out so that it’s not just, Oh, I’m just clicking here to get this recipe. Then I’m clicking away. It’s a little bit more in depth of what this person is doing and involving them in your life and all the things that are tied into the way that we live. So that I think has helped me remotivate and refocus a lot on what I’m doing because I have almost a framework, if that makes sense, of the story that I’m trying to tell.
Megan Porta: I love StoryBrand. I did this a few years ago. I read the book. Is it Building a StoryBrand? I read it and then I was like, I have to do this for every part of my business because it’s so powerful. You basically create the story around who you’re serving, why, you get into the nitty gritty details and it clarifies everything. So you just did this, you created your avatar and their problems and all of that and just got some clarity around your business, it sounds like.
Jessica Scully: Yeah. There’s a worksheet online that you can get the storyboard worksheet that will walk you through, but you create your character. Who’s your character? That’s your reader, right? They have a problem. They meet their guide. Their guide gives them a plan that gives them their call to action. So then they avoid failure and achieve success. You can take that and rinse and apply to anything you want, right?
Megan Porta: Okay, so you built your story and then you decided to dig into organic traffic and just get some of that back. How did you go about doing that?
Jessica Scully: Just looking at keywords, trying to find keywords that I can rank for. Posts that I can write, writing posts regularly, trying to post at least once a week. Trying to get back on social media, even though I hate it. Right now my nemesis is video content. I don’t like creating video content just because it just takes me forever. I’m just really slow at it. It just feels like a huge time suck to me, but I’m sure I’ll get better over time. So just posting regularly. Giving myself a content calendar so a lot of the stuff we’ve worked with together is they’ve created a schedule and everything has a due date. So there’s a lot of accountability, which I think helps. So I have a due date for each post that I have to turn in. Weekly emails that we’re sending out to my email list to keep those readers engaged and sending traffic back to the site. Again, telling that whole story, using that brand script of what it is I’m trying to share with people.
Megan Porta: Is there anything in there that you’re like, I know you mentioned you don’t like video, you don’t like social media. Is there anything else that you just want to be hands off? How do you feel about Pinterest and some of those other platforms?
Jessica Scully: Yeah, Pinterest, I think is tricky. I think it’s obviously important. I think all the platforms are important. I think you’ve got to diversify it, right? I say Oh, I only want to do organic traffic, but at the same time, you have to put your feelers out in all of those places to get maybe a little bit of traffic from all of those places to grow your traffic back up, rather than trying to put all your eggs in one basket. Pinterest, I have never loved Pinterest. I do use it as a search engine kind of thing. It’s more of a search engine than a social platform. So I think that it’s helpful in that way. I pin a pin for every recipe that I do. I know there are people out there that do tens of dozens of pins for one recipe. I do not have that in me. Still, again, try to keep like a little bit in each area to pull traffic from each of those places. Because that can all compound and create a bigger spike in traffic. If you’re getting a little bit from here, a little bit from there. If I could outsource anything in the world, it would be social media. I would pay someone. When I can afford again, to pay someone to outsource social media, I will do that.
Megan Porta: So before, prior to this traffic loss, were you not diversifying enough? Have you had a chance to evaluate where you were, what you were doing wrong as far as diversifying and where you’re getting your traffic from? It sounds like you’ve tried to do that more now. How does that compare before versus now?
Jessica Scully: Yeah. I was in that mentality of I don’t want to play the social media game, prior to the tank in traffic. Because it felt like at the time, you don’t really have control and this is still true. You don’t really have control over social media. The things you own are your website and your email list, right? So you don’t control who sees what you post or how that algorithm changes or drives traffic to your site or doesn’t drive traffic to your site. So I said, I’m just going to focus on organic traffic and SEO, which was going well until it wasn’t. So I think that was eye opening to see that, even though you don’t want to, you might need to loosen the reins a little bit and play in those other sandboxes, even if they’re not your favorite place to play. Just because it would happen anywhere, right? You could focus it all on Pinterest and it could tank. I think having your hands in all of those things is important rather than just any one thing.
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Megan Porta: We seem to think that organic traffic is impenetrable, nothing’s going to happen there. But as we’ve seen the last few years evolve, that is not necessarily the case. So diversifying your traffic, I think is really smart. Now I know you did like the story brand and got into your person and what their story was. Outside of that, have you explored other avenues for your organic traffic and new strategies there?
Jessica Scully: I’m looking at a little bit more of what I’m posting. Because we talked about how my brand is paleo. My blog is called Paleo Scalio and the idea behind it is that we were scaling it to fit your lifestyle. So I’m not an all or nothing person. I believe that there’s a little bit of a gray area in everything. So for me, those recipes have been mostly paleo, but I’m not 110% all of the time. I think prior, a lot of the recipes were really more heavily focused on being branded as paleo. What I’m doing now is posting recipes that are paleo, so they fit within how I live and what I eat and what I do, but they can apply to a lot of different people. A lot of people will eat them without knowing that they’re paleo or will find the recipe and will not care that it came from a paleo blog. Does that make sense?
Megan Porta: Yeah, that makes sense.
Jessica Scully: So not necessarily looking for paleo, but they’re going to come across my recipe anyway, and it’s still going to be good and it’s still going to taste good to them.
Megan Porta: Yeah, that makes sense. So you’re branching out with your keyword research a little bit. Not sticking to just the paleo niche, necessarily. Okay. Do you have any words of encouragement? Because I know a lot of food bloggers who are in this boat that you are in currently. They just saw a dramatic loss for whatever reason. They can’t pinpoint it. They have no idea why. They want an answer. Kind of like you. Change the host. Change the theme. Let’s see if little shifts in my layout, whatever. They’re trying things and it’s just there’s no answer. It’s incredibly discouraging because they put so much love and work and energy into their blogs. Now they’re just slowly building it back up. So you’ve been there. What encouragement do you have for them?
Jessica Scully: Yeah. I wish they had answers for me too. I wish somebody could figure it out. I hate to say it, but it’s encouraging to know that it’s not just you. Obviously there’s something going on that none of us can necessarily pinpoint, but we know that it’s happening. I think it’s just, you have to decide how dedicated you are to it. Do you want to dive back in because again, there’s only so much you can control. Sometimes you won’t find a cause, but I think just maybe not focusing on the next shiny new thing. Because there’s always a shiny new thing and finding what keeps you steady. What keeps you regular and what keeps you posting. I think, with the StoryBrand thing, it’s thinking about who your target market is. Who is your client? Who is your audience? Who are you talking to? Clarifying your message for them, making sure that they can hear you.
Megan Porta: Now, what if you go through the StoryBrand process or some version of that, and find that, like what you were saying earlier, like maybe people aren’t into the paleo scene or diet scene or fill in the blank, vegan or whatever as much anymore and you might need to pivot. How do you decide whether to continue with your current blog and just maybe deliver different recipes or start a whole new thing?
Jessica Scully: I just didn’t want to start over from the beginning. I thought about rebranding a couple times. I just didn’t want to start over. I’m like, I already built everything. I’d have to start everything from scratch. I didn’t think it was necessarily worth it. I don’t think that my niche is necessarily dead. The recipes I’m posting are still paleo. I’m not shouting it from the rooftops like, Hey, this is paleo, come make it. The ingredients happen to be paleo. So that’s really the take that I’ve gone. Then I advertise them as gluten free and dairy free and those are more I think in the allergen friendly space, which I think people are more aware of these days. I think you’ve got a restaurant that says, oh, I’m allergic to this. I’m allergic to that. So focusing more on that, I think then advertising it as a specialty.
Megan Porta: Yeah there are options. You can go your route and just keep your brand, maybe pivot within your brand. You could also rebrand. I know that is intimidating for a lot of people. Another option, like you could start an entirely separate second site and keep your other site active. So it’s not like you have to just kill your blog. There are options available depending on what you have the resources for and all of that. But everyone’s going to align with something different there.
Jessica Scully: Yeah. I think it just depends on where you want to focus your time and energy and how much time do you have to dedicate to it? Everybody’s got other things in their lives and different amounts of time that they can give to it. So I think you just have to sit back and do a little bit of self reflection and say, okay, realistically, where am I? What can I give this right now? How much time do I want to give this right now? Is it worth fighting for and getting back up or pivoting and trying something different?
Megan Porta: Also to acknowledge that if you’re in the food blogging game long enough, this is going to happen. If you get by without it happening, you’re super lucky. But this happens to all of us. I think we can all, by all, if we’ve been doing this for five plus years or so, we can look back and pinpoint a date or a month or a year when we experienced the same thing and it’s devastating. So just acknowledging that you’re not alone and that this happens frequently. We don’t always know the reason why sometimes we don’t. If you want to stay in the game, you’ve got to pick yourself up and just keep moving, like Jessica did and do the things that serve you and your business and pivot as needed. I know, like you said earlier, it’s somehow comforting to know that it’s not just you, that other people experience this as well. We don’t want them to go through it, but it is nice to know that, right?
Jessica Scully: Yeah. Food blogging I hate to say this, but food blogging, it sounds silly when I say it out loud, but it’s cutthroat. They’re a dime a dozen, honestly. There’s so many out there and it’s tough to figure out how to make yours stand out, how to make people hear you. How are you different from the other 5 million food blogs out there? Why should people listen to you instead of someone else? Another thing that deserves acknowledgement is knowing that it’s hard. You have to work hard to make yourself stand out of the crowd.
Megan Porta: I think something to go along with that is you keep showing up. You don’t stop showing up, unless it doesn’t serve your life anymore. Then, of course, don’t show up anymore.
Jessica Scully: Sure, but I think that’s most of the game, right? If you show up every day and somebody else shows up every other day.
Megan Porta: Yeah. Oh my gosh, that’s so true.
Jessica Scully: You’re going to beat that person out. So just keep going.
Megan Porta: Yeah. Even without a dramatic traffic loss, like you said, it’s cutthroat. It’s hard. It is not an easy job. It seems like from the sidelines that it would be just an easy peasy, chill, relaxed job. But we all know that is not the case. I think that’s the theme of our whole chat. This happens.
Jessica Scully: People say, what do you do? You’re like, I’m a food blogger. They’re like, Oh. You’re like, I feel silly for saying that. It’s not a joke. I actually have a website.
Megan Porta: Yes. The look you get sometimes, right? Oh, are those recipes? It’s so funny that we still need to explain this.
Jessica Scully: I feel like it’s hard to find the right way to present it too. I’ve started saying I run a recipe blog or I run a recipe website. And people, for whatever reason, if you don’t say food blog, they seem to take it a little bit more seriously. Oh, that’s cool. How do you make money?
Megan Porta: It’s the series of questions you can predict. Food media is something I’ve started exploring, saying, instead of food blogging, like food media. Because the media just seems more professional somehow. So I don’t know. I’m still experimenting too. Mine evolves all the time. I’m constantly saying different things. Yeah. All right. What else do you have? We have the gist of what happened and how you picked yourself up and some strategies and ways to think and ways to just keep moving. What else do we need to know if anyone listening is experiencing anything similar?
Jessica Scully: I think just, remind yourself why you started it in the first place. Does that still ring true to you? Is that still something you want to follow? I think, finding what keeps you motivated, that’s going to be different for everybody. What’s really worked for me is working with a marketing agency that holds me accountable. That’s what I needed at the time to be my swift kick in the butt to get moving again, was the accountability of other people to say, okay, this is due. Where is it? We need to move forward with all of these things and we can’t do that until you create this content. So having that and that schedule and that those deadlines really have, what has helped me. I’m not saying that’s right for everyone. I’m just saying that finding the thing that gives you that swift kick, that motivates you to get you back on track, I think, and just working to identify what that is for you.
Megan Porta: Even if it’s an accountability buddy, right? It doesn’t necessarily have to be a marketing firm. It can be someone you trust and who is in the business as well and just keeps you on track.
Jessica Scully: Yeah. Even setting deadlines for yourself, or coming up with a calendar of when you’re going to post things and, just making sure that you have that ready to go when you say you’re going to have it ready to go. We always say things like we would never talk to our friends the way we talk to ourselves.
Megan Porta: Yes.
Jessica Scully: So I think about showing up for yourself the way that you would show up for somebody else.
Megan Porta: It’s powerful.
Jessica Scully: Just keep showing up and keep doing it. Get back to where you were if that’s where you want to go.
Megan Porta: Something else to keep in mind is that a lot of people will give up. So I always think the competition is less because I’m not willing to give up and you’re not willing to give up. People listening are not willing to give up. So the people who aren’t listening are giving up.
Jessica Scully: So the pool is thinning, right?
Megan Porta: The pool is thinning.
Jessica Scully: Yes. It’s funny. I did an update yesterday on an old recipe of mine that needed updating. I did new photos and I did all the new content and updated the whole thing. I had done some research on a couple of places. Another blogger was linking to a very old recipe that was for the same thing, but mine looked better and was a better post. She was posting to a food network or something. I was going to send her the link and say, Hey, I see that you’re linking to this post. Would you check out mine and consider using my link instead? But then I did some research on her site and she flatlined about a year ago, but hasn’t done anything. So I was like. Okay. That’s one down. But that’s what you’re talking about, right? The pool will thin and eventually the cream will rise to the top.
Megan Porta: We’re not wishing for people to kill their blogs. That’s not what I’m saying at all. I think if you’ve got it in you. Some people do and some people don’t. If you’re showing up here to Eat Blog Talk to listen to this episode, you’ve got it in you and you’re not going to give up, but some people will and that’s fine. Around COVID, we all know that there was a huge surge of food bloggers starting blogs. It was almost like, oh my gosh, what is happening? There’s so much new competition now. The keywords were being grabbed. So now I feel like with all of these dramatic shifts and changes and things that are popping up, some people just can’t handle that. It’s too much. It’s too cutthroat. So that’s good news for those of us who are not willing to give up.
Jessica Scully: I think if you’ve been around a while and then, a bunch of other blogs have popped up and they’ll get tired. Eventually they’ll taper off. If you’re still there, you’ll be what’s left standing.
Megan Porta: Oh my gosh, that’s so true. This was so great. I hope it gives encouragement to anyone who has been through this or who is going through this right now. I think it is unfortunately a very common theme in our industry. But thank you for sharing your story, Jessica, and just being vulnerable. This is what happened and it wasn’t fun, but I kept going and, here’s why you should too. So thank you so much for all of this.
Jessica Scully: Yeah, you’re very welcome.
Megan Porta: Do you have either a favorite quote or words of inspiration to leave us with today?
Jessica Scully: So one of my favorite quotes that has been one of my favorites for years, my whole life, I feel like it applies to everything. I actually found it when I originally started running half marathons and it was, it never gets easier, you just get better. But I feel like that can apply to so many things and especially the situation, right? The job itself isn’t going to get easier. You’re just going to get better at it and more seasoned at it, the more time you put into it and the more experience you get.
Megan Porta: And increase that stamina and all the good things. Amazing. Great way to end. We will put together a show notes page for you, Jessica. If you want to look at those you can go to Tell everyone where they can find you, Jessica.
Jessica Scully: You can find me online at I’m on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and Pinterest, all as paleoscaleo, is my handle.
Megan Porta: Awesome. Thank you again so much for being here today. Thank you for listening, food bloggers. I will see you in the next episode.
Outro: Thank you so much for listening to this episode of Eat Blog Talk. Please share this episode with a friend who would benefit from tuning in. I will see you next time.
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✍️ Reach out to connect with Heather Eberle, a copywriter for food bloggers. As much as you enjoy your business, maybe writing or marketing isn’t your cup of tea. Maybe you’d rather spend more time in the kitchen and less time on your laptop. Heather is here to clear your plate!