In episode 286, Megan chats with Amanda Scarlati, blogger at Scarlito Family Kitchen, about batching content and getting organized to be successful.
We cover information about how batching is an underutilized powerful resource, how there’s magic in the flow when you batch, and remember that providing consistent, quality content is important to your user.
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Amanda is the chef, writer, and photographer behind Saporito Kitchen. She provides tasty, seasonal homemade recipes that are designed to inspire others in the kitchen. Amanda shares her passion for food which she’s had since she was a kid. With over 15 years in the food business, Amanda now strives to help others to develop that same passion.
- Planning ahead, and knowing what needs to be done helps you become goal-oriented and accomplish more.
- Batching content helps you get into a flow and allows your mind to produce quality content you’re proud of. You also get more done at once.
- Write out your tasks. Figure out the order they work for you and how much time each takes to be intentional with your work. Think about where that fits into your schedule.
- Give yourself one day a week that you can use to catch up, breathe, and tie up loose ends and not do as much.
- Be okay that you will rearrange as needed with your schedule as things come up, which inevitably they will.
- Know that you have to give your life and schedule grace. Your seasons of life change often and so will your work schedule. Be prepared to go with it.
- Embrace that you love blogging and one benefit is you can alter, and adjust a schedule to be available and present in life.
- It’s ok to shuffle tasks and projects around.
- It’s good to have a content calendar so you can plan a quarter ahead and help keep yourself on pace with your overall goals.
- Consistency is more important than quantity; doing consistent quality.
Resources Mentioned
Guide to Time Batching with Grace & Vine
Content Batching with Karli Bitner
How to Batch Work on the Goal Digger Podcast
Click for full script.
Amanda Scarlati: Hi, this is Amanda Scarlati from Saporito Kitchen and you are listening to the Eat Blog Talk podcast.
Sponsor: Hey, awesome food bloggers. Before we dig into this episode, I have a really quick favor to ask you, go to your favorite podcast player, go to Eat Blog Talk, scroll down to the bottom where you see the ratings and review section. Leave Eat Blog Talk a five star rating if you love this podcast and leave a great review. This will only benefit this podcast. It adds value. I so very much appreciate your efforts with this. Thank you so much for doing this. Okay. Now onto the episode.
Megan Porta: Hey food bloggers. Welcome to Eat Blog Talk, the podcast for food bloggers, looking for the value and the confidence that will move the needle forward in your business. This episode is sponsored by RankIQ. I am your host, MeganP orta, and you are listening to episode 286 today.
Amanda Scarlatti is going to teach us how to batch content and work and why this is a good method for food bloggers. Amanda is the chef writer and photographer behind Saporito Kitchen. She provides tasty, seasonal, homemade recipes that are designed to inspire others in the kitchen. Amanda shares her passion for food that she’s had since she was a kid. With over 15 years in the food business, Amanda now strives to help others to develop that same passion. Amanda, thanks for joining me today. How are you?
Amanda Scarlati: I’m so good. Thanks Megan for having me. I’m excited.
Megan Porta: I am excited too. This is your first podcast interview and it’s going to go great. You just shared with me. We want to hear your fun fact though, before we dig into this.
Amanda Scarlati: Yeah, definitely. So my fun fact is I am deathly afraid of heights. I Am very afraid of heights, even sometimes being in a two or three story building and looking out of the window really scares me. I know you’re like a big skydiving person. I actually have gone once and I will never do it again. It was a conquering my fear situation. It was horrible and I hated it.
Megan Porta: I am so sorry that you hated it.
Amanda Scarlati: It’s okay. I just won’t be doing it again.
Megan Porta: Makes me sad. So does this stem from something in your past or why do you think you have this great fear?
Amanda Scarlati: I don’t know. Since I can remember my dad used to work in a high rise building downtown, and I remember we would go visit him up there and I couldn’t get close to the window cause it would just really freak me out. Now, living in Utah, even when we go skiing, it’s really difficult for me to go on the ski lifts or anything like that.
Megan Porta: Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. There’s a lot of height in the world. I feel like any pretty much anything you do, you’re going to be looking down a lot. Just writing a chairlift or going up in an elevator.
Amanda Scarlati: It’s good exposure therapy for me.
Megan Porta: Oh, there you go. I like that positive spin. Okay. So this topic that we’re talking about today is one of my favorites.I preach this all the time. I think there’s so much power in batching content. It’s just so powerful, but once you actually do it, there is so much power in it. So I’m excited to get your thoughts on it today. So you are a busy mom and you have a busy blogging business. I imagine that staying on top of everything and staying organized is maybe a challenge, but you’ve tapped into batching in order to just get a handle on everything. So why don’t you just talk to us about that? Like how you have a busy life and how you saw the need to dig into batching.
Amanda Scarlati: Yeah, so I stay at home with my four kids who range in ages from two to 15. So as you can imagine, there’s all sorts of activities and running around. My husband is also an emergency room nurse and so he obviously stays very busy right now. So when I decided to dive into this business and say, you know what, I really wanted to take this seriously. It started as a hobby, which I think it does for a lot of people. I was like, how am I going to do this? How am I going to stay organized? By nature, I’m very schedule oriented. That’s how I manage things well, and having four kids, that’s how I have to manage my life. I remember just struggling, just trying to figure out how I was going to do this. I was like, okay, I’ve had this little bit of time now, what do I work on? That was always my frustration is okay, I have an hour now, what? I felt like there was so much to do. I remember hearing it on different podcasts and from people, this batch contenting. I was like what is that? How would that help? It scared me a little bit, planning ahead and doing everything at once. But honestly, like you said, once you get into it, I don’t know how I ever survived without it. Because it really helps you focus. For me, it’s really easy as a blogger, you wear so many different hats. It’s not just making the food and taking a picture of it. There’s so much behind that as I’m sure you understand. So it’s easy to just go down the rabbit hole sometimes. So it helps me to stay on task and say, okay, this is what I’m doing today. Today, I am shooting all of my content for next week or two weeks or whatever that is. Then tomorrow I’m working on editing all of that content. So it just helps keep me on track and focus and it’s a lifesaver because otherwise I feel like I would just be all over the place and not feel like I was accomplishing anything.
Megan Porta: Oh my gosh. I hear you on all of this. I don’t know why maybe I was just subconsciously prepping for our chat today. But I was thinking about how a lot of people avoid it. I think because it can be really painful. Because it’s not easy. If you decide that you are going to say, cook five recipes on Monday and then you just get in it and you’re like, wow, this is a lot of work. Going to my photography station, taking the photos. Then I have to clean the dishes. It’s hard.
Amanda Scarlati: It’s a long day.
Megan Porta: It is a long day. Even if it’s not in the kitchen, even if it’s writing blog posts, you get to the end and you’re done with writing or whatever task you’re deciding to do. So I think that’s maybe why people avoid it because it’s hard work. It really takes some effort and determination and stamina to get through it. But when you do, oh my gosh. You have saved yourself so much time in the future that you can use it for other things. So I just wanted to point that out. It is hard work. We have to acknowledge that.
Amanda Scarlati: It is, and it requires a lot of preparation and planning ahead of time. So if you’re a person who maybe struggles with that, then I can see where that would be overwhelming. But also, once you get into it, it flows naturally and it works. I feel like you provide or you do better work because you’re not jumping from thing to thing. I heard someone say some time that it takes you 20 minutes for your brain to get into the groove of things. So if you’re constantly running around and doing this for 10 minutes, and this is for 10 minutes, you’re really not giving your full attention to it. So when you get your content and say, okay, this is what I’m doing the whole day, it really gives your brain a chance to get into it and get into the mode of it and do your best work. At least that’s what I find for myself.
Megan Porta: Flow, it’s once you hit that flow with whatever task you’re doing, you want to stick with it. You don’t want to keep changing gears. That’s more energy, at the end of the day, you’re going to be more tired. So tapping into the flow and sticking with it. So what do you recommend for people who are like, yeah, I don’t prepare well, or I don’t plan ahead and that’s why they’re avoiding it. Do you have thoughts for them as far as how to navigate that?
Amanda Scarlati: Yeah, I think it’s just to take it a little bit at a time. Don’t feel like you have to come up with this grand perfect schedule that everything is planned out. Sometimes you just have to start somewhere and say, okay, Monday, I’m going to do my keyword research. It’s something that I struggle with maybe, or have a hard time getting into. So Monday I am going to research keywords for the next two weeks. That’s all I’m going to focus on, and start small like that. Then the next day I’m going to work on writing my drafts, and to me it was what I did is I wrote out a list of all the daily tasks that I accomplish and when they need to be done. Some of them are weekly. Some of them are montly. I wrote them all out and said, okay, what do I have to accomplish? Then I looked at them and said, okay, this kind of takes me X amount of time. This kind of takes me X amount of time. Then I divided up in a flow during the week that worked for me. So I know that when I first started doing this, my kids were homeschooling on Fridays. They had a virtual Friday.
So those were my days that I tried to not do as much. Because I knew my limitations. So those are when I do the mindless tasks, something that’s maybe a little bit easier. Looking at the schedule and planning it out that way and saying, okay, this is what I am able to accomplish and starting small. As you get into the groove of it and after a few weeks, you’ll say, okay, I can actually do more on this day or I really need to do this later in the week because I’m not ready to edit all these photos and there’s some other stuff I have to do or whatever. So some of it’s trial and error. But just starting out small, writing that list of your tasks and then trying to group them together, how it makes sense for you timewise and work-wise.
Megan Porta: Is that how you go about each week? Do you sit down before the week starts and go through everything you need to do? Or how do you typically plan a week?
Amanda Scarlati: I have now pretty much a schedule that I stick to. So on Mondays I do a lot of keyword research. I do my first draft on my blog posts, doing all that prep to get me ready. Then the following day is what I call my admin day where I say, okay, I’ve got a shoot coming up. I’m going to get my shoot lists ready. I’m going to make sure I know what props I’m going to need, what ingredients I’m going to need. Is there anything I need to get? To me doing that after my keyword research is key because there might be something that changes in a recipe or something that I want to highlight. If I shop beforehand, then I might not have that stuff. So then I also do accounting and that sort of stuff. Then Wednesdays are when I do my shoots. So I do any video that I have or photography, that sort of thing. Then Thursday is like my editing day and finalizing my blog posts and then Friday I clean up and finish all the stuff that I didn’t finish through the week and then schedule my social media out for the following week.
So I have that skeleton of what I do, the general days every week. But on Fridays I look ahead to the next week and think, okay, for instance, I have this podcast coming up, so I’m going to need to prepare for that. Or I’ve got a client meeting, so I need to make sure I have X, Y, and Z done for that. I use Google calendar. I live and die by that. So it has all my schedules on it and I do tasks. So I have my basic tasks that I set up as recurring tasks. Like I was saying the Monday keyword research, I had that on there and for every day, but then there’s things that I will add on, specific things that come up during the week. Whether there’s a proposal or a specialty event or something like that. Then that’s how I stay on track. Every morning I look and say, okay, these are all the things that I need to get done. Just go at it the best that I can.
Megan Porta: Rearrange as needed. I like that you keep Friday’s open too. I think that’s such a good piece of advice for other people too, to leave a day at least where you have wiggle room to tidy up things that you’ve started or to do those things that come up that you didn’t plan for. I think that is so huge. Has that just been a life changer for you?
Amanda Scarlati: Yeah, definitely because, I could probably count on one hand the weeks that went perfectly and I got everything done. Maybe one finger. So you know, things come up. You just have to say, okay, I’m going to have to push this off to the next day. Which is nice when you have your own business. You work from home, you have that flexibility. But having those tasks on the calendar keeps me honest. So I don’t forget about things and I’ll say, okay, this is something I can just push off. So having that Friday, I know that things are going to come up. So that’s purposely where I schedule myself lighter on Friday is to clean up. If the kids are home for a virtual day or whatever, then I’m not stressing out. Oh, I’ve got all this stuff I gotta get done.
Megan Porta: Yeah. Just to point out, this is a process. I don’t want anyone to listen and feel like they have to get this perfect. They may want to start batching and you’ve got to just nail it the first week. It’s such a process and you can try it for the first week and the first couple of weeks and just see what works and see what doesn’t work and just keep tweaking the process.
Amanda Scarlati: Absolutely. I still do it to this day. I, the other day, I just thought, you know what, maybe I need to change my shoot day to Thursdays instead. It’s constantly a thing and your life is going to change. We just got a new puppy this weekend. So I rearranged my schedule again and said, okay, how do I go at this now? Don’t get so siphoned into the thought process of that. No, I have to do this day. You don’t give yourself a little bit of grace and understand that things come up and you gotta tweak it and it’s not something you’re going to nail the first week. It’s something that is going to evolve over time.
Megan Porta: Yeah, absolutely. I think that’s really important to point out because we do not want you to feel like you need to be perfect because really there is no such thing with this. Like you said, Amanda, it’s always evolving. You’re still learning and tweaking as you go.
Sponsor: Food bloggers. Let’s take a really quick break from the episode to chat about RankIQ for just a minute. My favorite keyword research tool that is made just for bloggers. One of the goals I have set for my food blog for 2022 is to triple my blog traffic. How the heck am I going to do this, you might be thinking? My strategy is this. For the entire year, I will publish three new non recipe posts per week to my blog, all of which have been researched and run through the optimizer within RankIQ. How do I know this will generate a lot of traffic for me? Because I am already seeing results. I recently analyzed the top 100 posts in Google analytics from the previous month. Within that one month span, I received 35,039 page views alone from content that I had run through the RankIQ optimizer and some of that content first was published seven months ago. Everything else was published between then and now. My traffic in January 2022 was up 25% from January 2021 thanks to this content that I’m creating through RankIQ. As I produce more of this content and get further into the year, I anticipate that it is going to gain even more momentum and take off in a really good way. Also, all of the non recipe content I’m writing about in these posts, supports my other content in some way. So this could be a positive signal to Google that I’m an authority in certain sub niches within my blog. Go to to sign up and see for yourself how powerful this tool is. Now back to the episode.
Megan Porta: Here’s something that I run into often, and I want to get your thoughts on it. I sometimes have weeks where I just am having an off week or I get really busy or something comes up. All of a sudden I look at my calendar and I see that I’ve missed so much work that I had batched out that I wanted to batch. How do you deal with that when you don’t get work done? Do you rearrange and put it next week, rearrange your current week? What do you do?
Amanda Scarlati: Yeah, that’s definitely happened to me. There’s things that, kids getting sick or something coming up or we came back from vacation and I was having a severe issue with getting back into the swing of things. It happens, it’s life. That’s the part that I kinda love about my job is that I have the flexibility to change things. Before I would get so stressed out. I’m a perfectionist, I’m very A type personality where I like things a certain way. So that was my biggest hurdle was getting over the fact that you know what, it’s going to be okay. Because to me it’s more important to provide quality work, then to just get things done. So if I ever see that my quality is slipping because something’s going on in my life, I just need to adjust it. I need to understand, maybe I’m not going to get out two posts this week. I just change my content calendar; shuffled some things around or ask does this really need to be done right now? Can I maybe sneak in a few hours after the kids go to bed? Just having that flexibility and understanding that sometimes things happen and it’s more important, at least it is to me, I think, to provide, to put out that quality content than just rushing to get it done just because you need to stay on the schedule.
Megan Porta: That’s so good. It’s like a mindset shift, right?
Amanda Scarlati: Oh 100%.
Megan Porta: It goes back to that perfection thing. If we’re striving for perfection, which can never happen, then we’re always going to feel that pressure and we’re never accomplishing what we want to, but if we strive for quality, I love that. I have all these post-it notes on my monitor that just remind me about things like that. So I might put that up there, just striving for quality. Then you can just wipe your hands clean and be like, I’ve accomplished what I wanted to this week because I provided quality. I wasn’t perfect. I didn’t knock everything off of my calendar this week, like I wanted to, but it’s okay because I provided quality.
Amanda Scarlati: I think that’s really important. I’ve had weeks where I have tested a recipe. I’ve made it a thousand times for my family. I know exactly what I’m going to do. My daughter comes running through my shoe area and knocks the table over and everything goes to the floor and I just want to scream or cry or both. I know all that preparation that went into it and it’s so frustrating. It’s okay, how can I say this? Sometimes you just have to walk away and say, you know what? It happens. We’re just going to push this to next week. We’re going to do it again, and it’s going to be fine.
Megan Porta: Yeah. Maybe next week it will be better. You’ll have learned something and you’ll improve it. I always find that when there’s an accident or something that happens like that, and you’re in the moment just so frustrated, but then the next time you do it, you’re like, oh, I produced something really good. I don’t know if I could have done it that other time. So just trying to look at the positive spins there.
Amanda Scarlati: Absolutely. I’ve done that before too. It’s, oh I’m glad I remade this again because yeah, it looks so much better this time. Or I remembered to do this step. And it doesn’t matter how many times I make a recipe. I learn something every single time I do it. Sometimes messing up is not a bad thing.
Megan Porta: Oh, I love that. Okay. Here’s another question. Something that I need to learn from you, Amanda. How do you know when you need to make a big adjustment in your schedule and when you need to slow down? Because I tend to do this where I get a ton done in a week and I’m like, oh my gosh, I killed it this week. Next week, I’m going to do more. Then I put more in my schedule and I accomplished everything I wanted to, and then I get to the point where I’m just really burned out and I need to take a step back and slow down. How do you deal with all of that?
Amanda Scarlati: Yeah I think it’s really easy to get into that mindset, especially when it’s your business and you’re your own boss.. You don’t have somebody else pacing you. I think it’s a constant struggle to be like, I gotta be better. I have to be better. I can do this. I can do more. I can do all this. I kinda got into that mindset last fall, end of summer fall I was really pushing. I just had my audit with Casey in summer, and I was like, I have to qualify for Mediavine, I have to start pushing out three recipes a week. I just have to do it. I gotta get through all of all this old content. I was just going and I hit November and I hit a wall. I was like, I can’t do this anymore. I was so burnt out. I wasn’t giving time to my kids. I started going back to that quality issue. Things were slipping. I wasn’t spending the time, my pictures weren’t looking the way that I wanted to. I was rushing through my posts and I thought, you know what? This is not worth it. I want to get there, but this is not the kind of work that I want to produce. I want it to be better. I had to back off and I had to say, what if I don’t qualify for Mediavine this year, then I don’t qualify. I’ve done my best and I’ve worked really hard. I backed off. Speed forward to December 26 and I qualified for Mediavine and I was able to apply, which was great, but it really taught me something that I was like, you know what? I need to be able to look at what’s going on. If my kids are starting to act up because I’m not giving them attention because I’m working all of the time, or if I’m noticing that I’m messing up on silly mistakes or my pictures, aren’t exactly what I want to do. Then I need to step back, to again, that quality is more important than quantity. In the world of content, that’s always what they say, content is king and you want to be producing your best work. So I think it’s easy to get stuck in a, we’ve got to do as much as we can and I can do more. I can do more. I can have more of a mindset, but I just found mentally I couldn’t handle it. I think, especially when you work from home and you live at home and that’s your job too, it’s really hard to separate that.
So I’ve made it that I don’t work Saturdays and Sundays. I don’t. I really try hard not to do that, especially on Sundays. I need those days off. I shut my computer. I put it away. I don’t even look at my Instagram. Maybe I have something scheduled, but giving you that time to separate is key for me because I think it will just consume you if you’re not careful.
Megan Porta: I love that you do that. I think it’s so hard to do that. Like you mentioned, we work and we live in the same place, so it’s really hard to make that distinction between the two. It’s oh, I can just peek into my email and such a slippery slope though, when you start doing that. Then for me over time, I realized, oh my gosh, I’ve let myself go back there. Then I have to put the hammer down again and give myself some really strict guidelines. But I do the same. I really try to put my work down on the weekends. I think that helps me so much because you can breathe a little bit. You can spend time with these people in your house who watch you work all the time. It’s just necessary, I think and everybody works differently, but I love that you do that. Do you have restraints as far as times that you worked during the day? Are there limitations that you give yourself for that?
Amanda Scarlati: I try to stick to your nine to five schedule, give or take a little bit. Every day is different for me with schedules with my kids. So it looks different for me. I used to be like, oh, I’ll just work when they go to bed and I’m exhausted by the end of the day. You get up early, you’ve been running around doing all this stuff and it’s hard. I know for some people that working for them and so I think it’s not necessarily a certain time that you need to work, but it’s finding what works best for you. If working after your kids go to bed or late at night is better for you, then that’s what you should do. I think just trying to find that flow is important and sticking to a schedule. For me, that’s starting work around nine or nine 30 in the morning and trying to take breaks, to take my kids on walks or lunch and maybe play a game with them in the afternoon or something like that. Taking breaks for me. If you were working in an office, you would get break time. So I try to give myself that time at home and sit down for lunch, not just shoveling food in my mouth trying to type something, whatever. So I think just trying to stick to a schedule makes it a lot easier. I try to be done by three or four o’clock because that’s about when my youngest is getting home from grade school. Not my youngest, but my youngest daughter is getting home from grade school. They’re wanting to talk to you about school and I’ve got dinner and all this stuff that happens after the fact. So that’s the schedule that works for me, but I think it’s just important to like I said, write those tasks out. When is that going to be best for you with your schedule and try to stick to it? Then just adjust it as you need to.
Megan Porta: Again, this is a theme here, but perfection. Not going into this, expecting that you’re going to get it perfectly. It’s a process. I’ve been doing this for so many years and I’m still not even close to perfection. I’m constantly tweaking the way I work in the way I plan and just what you were saying, like shoveling food in my mouth sometimes at lunch. I’m like, wait a second. What am I doing? I need to stop and sit down and actually enjoy my food. Maybe if somebody is home, I can chat with them. It’s a constant process.
Amanda Scarlati: Yeah, I think taking that time for yourself and just understanding that you’re a human being too, and you wouldn’t want to treat your employee that way, so don’t treat yourself that way.
Megan Porta: Oh my gosh. That’s so true. We treat ourselves, I feel way worse and more harshly maybe than anyone else, right?
Amanda Scarlati: Yeah. We’re our own worst critics.
Megan Porta: I know. That’s so true. So how far in advance do you plan your schedule? Do you plan quarterly, yearly? How do you use this whole process that we’re talking about to plan ahead? Like way ahead.
Amanda Scarlati: Yeah I probably say that I would do it quarterly, is my general schedule. The quarter before or whatever, I will go in, like right now I’m looking into quarter two and planning that stuff. In the fourth quarter of last year, I had already planned out this first quarter. Just looking and saying, right now I’m working through a lot of old content and republishing and updating some terrible posts. So that’s the bulk of my work, but I found that I was getting burnt out on that. So I’ve added a couple of new posts in there just for my sanity. So planning that out quarterly, but then re-evaluating things at the end of the month for the following month and saying, you know what? I don’t know why I wanted to post that in February. It’s not a good recipe for February, whatever, and adjusting. Or, if something messes up, adjusting your content calendar. So it’s a constant shift, but I do try to plan it out quarterly. So I know what I’m getting into. Then I know that when I’m doing my batch stuff, I know what I’m doing. I’m not like, oh, okay what should I post this week? Or I don’t know what to do. It’s already done. So it takes that mind work off of my plate and it’s there. So I use Air Table, which I know a lot of people do. I just have a calendar, a content calendar set up and I have everything scheduled in there and I have a production calendar so we know what days I’m shooting which recipes, and also when they’re posting. I track a lot of other stuff, but that helps me be able to look at it and say, okay, these are the recipes that I need to research this week because those are posted in two weeks or whatever.
Megan Porta: I love that. I align with that quarterly planning. Like you said, things shift, they change sometimes, but that’s okay. Having something there to look at and keep you on track and then adjusting as needed as you go through the quarter. I think that’s super smart.
Amanda Scarlati: Yeah. Sometimes I get stuck in the, I was going to do this and I was going to do this. My husband said to me one time, nobody knows that but you. I’m like, yeah, but I know. So sometimes it’s hard. It’s okay we’ll get there. I’ve been content for days to go through and stuff that I want to do. I’m not going to run out and it will be okay. There’s plenty of weeks to post it.
Megan Porta: Wise words from your husband. Sometimes we need an outside perspective that just jolts us in place.
Amanda Scarlati: Absolutely.
Megan Porta: Good job, Amanda’s husband. Do you have any last takeaways? We’ve covered a lot and I hope that we’ve really encouraged food bloggers to consider batching and at least thinking through their weeks before they dig into them, saving so much energy. You can get so much accomplished by tapping into that flow. Is there anything that we’ve missed Amanda?
Amanda Scarlati: I don’t think so. I think it’s just remembering to start small. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Give yourself a little bit of grace when things don’t go as planned. Evaluate what really has to get done and the rest of the stuff can be pushed off to another day. Being flexible, like I said, it’s something that’s evolving over time. It probably will always be evolving. So just try your best. Always say this, but give yourself a little grace because it just needs to happen sometimes.
Megan Porta: Yes. To avoid those bad things. You don’t want to get to that point where you’re burnt out or you just can’t work for a week. So grace is huge.
Amanda Scarlati: It’s better to post once a week, then post three times a week for a couple months and then not post for two months because you’re over it. Just find a schedule that works for you. I see so many bloggers that will say, oh how often should I post what’s the magic number? I say consistency is more important than quantity, doing that is of consistent quality. So if that’s once a week, then that should be what you should post. If that’s four times a week. I don’t know how you find that time, but that’s great. Whatever it is, whatever that magic number is, find out what is not going to push you over the edge and just stick with it.
Megan Porta: I wrote that down, consistent quality. I think that is so smart and I’ve never heard those words together before. So I love that. Thank you, Amanda, for joining me today. This was such a fun conversation, right up my alley and something that I think will really benefit food bloggers. So thank you for joining me.
Amanda Scarlati: Not a problem. Thanks for having me, Megan. I appreciate it.
Megan Porta: Yeah. So you’ve already given us lots of inspiration. Everything you just said was amazingly inspiring. Do you have an extra favorite quote or words of inspiration to share?
Amanda Scarlati: No. I think just remembering that quality. Give yourself some grace, provide that quality and don’t be your own worst enemy, but your best cheerleader.
Megan Porta: So we will put together a show notes page for you, Amanda. If anyone wants to go look at those or you want to see them, Amanda, you can go to Why don’t you tell everyone where they can find you online,on your blog and on social media.
Amanda Scarlati: So my website, the blog address is You can find me on Facebook and Instagram, the same places. I look forward to connecting with you guys.
Megan Porta: Yay. Thanks again for being here, Amanda, and thank you for listening today, food bloggers. I will see you in the next episode.
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