We cover information about using an accounting system to track income and expenses, how to align spending with business goals, and invest in areas like advertising and marketing.

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Guest Details

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Danielle is a CPA, author, Co-Founder and CEO of Kickstart Accounting. She is a seasoned Chief Financial Officer who is rewriting what it means to provide bookkeeping and consulting services to high-earning female business owners. The Kickstart Accounting Inc. team is the one-stop-shop that provides their clients with bookkeeping services as a tiered system that grows with the business as needed. Additionally, they offer online courses (think all things money mindset), payroll services and tax consulting services. Since their founding in 2015, the Kickstart team has helped thousands of high-earning service-based business owners grow and scale their businesses to new heights.


  • Invest in your business to grow, don’t just cut spending: Cutting back on necessary expenses can jeopardize your business growth. Instead, invest in areas that will support your goals.
  • Know your numbers monthly: Having an accounting system and reviewing your finances monthly will help you make informed decisions and avoid overspending.
  • Align spending with your intentions: Determine your business goals for the next 12 months and ensure your spending aligns with those intentions.
  • Consistency builds trust: Showing up consistently, whether with content or marketing, sends a message that you are a reliable business.
  • Start with one investment, more will follow: Begin with one strategic investment, and other opportunities will reveal themselves as you progress.
  • Outsource tasks outside your expertise: Don’t try to do everything yourself; outsource bookkeeping and other tasks that are not your zone of genius.
  • Advertising and marketing are key investments: Prioritize spending on advertising and marketing to support business growth, but be patient and consistent with your efforts.
  • Believe in yourself and your business: Your mindset and the messages you send to the universe through your investments can impact your success.
  • Review and adjust spending regularly: Reassess your spending and align it with your evolving business goals and life stages.

Resources Mentioned

QuickBooks Online: A popular accounting software for tracking business income and expenses. You can find more information and current offers on their official site:​ QuickBooks

Kickstart Accounting’s “Healthy Percentages” Worksheet

Business by the Books Podcast: For financial insights into business decisions.


Click for full script.

EBT624 – Danielle Hayden

Intro 00:10

Food bloggers. Hi, how are you today? Thank you so much for tuning in to the Eat Blog Talk podcast. This is the place for food bloggers to get information and inspiration to accelerate your blog’s growth, and ultimately help you to achieve your freedom. Whether that’s financial, personal, or professional. I’m Megan Porta. I have been a food blogger for 13 years, so I understand how isolating food blogging can be. I’m on a mission to motivate, inspire, and most importantly, let each and every food blogger, including you, know that you are heard and supported.

Supercut  00:38

You are going to want to download our bonus supercut that gives you all the information you need to grow your Instagram account. Go to eatblogtalk.com/Instagrowth to download today. 

Megan Porta  00:52

Do you forget the message from the world at large that you’re overspending when maybe you’re not even overspending? It seems to be a message that is often delivered to entrepreneurs before we’ve even started our businesses. Danielle Hayden from kickstart accounting joins me in this episode to talk about healthy business spending and how this can enhance profitability in your business. If your business is not as profitable as you would like it to be, it might be time to spend that money. Danielle fully believes in the saying you need to spend money to make money, and maybe you’re even under spending in your business. In the episode, she talks about the importance of having an accounting system in place in your business so you know what’s coming in, you know what’s going out. You have a really good handle on your expenses and income. Also, it’s super important to know what your intentions and goals are for the year, because you can align your spending with that. So much food for thought in this episode. I absolutely loved it and devoured it. I hope you will too. It is episode number 624 sponsored by RankIQ. 

Sponsor  02:02

Hey, we have spots available for the 2025 mastermind groups, and I want to give you a chance to grab one of them. A question I get a lot from people interested in joining the mastermind is, what kinds of results am I going to get? Results always come, although sometimes in unexpected ways, for more information and to apply. Go to eatblogtalk.com/mastermind in this following clip, current member Kristina, from When Salty and Sweet Unite, talks about some of the results she has seen in her business. “So like my blog, stats have grown. My interest views have grown. So yeah, those two things, I mean, they’ve grown a lot. And I think part of that has to do with getting in the call, the initial call with Megan and like that, goal setting, like, hey, focus on this for the month, this for the week, this for the day, right? And then she’s very good at that, right? She is. And then, oh my God, my Pinterest views pre Megan, I think they were at two to 3000 a month, and now they’re at 15,000.”

Megan Porta  03:06

Danielle is a CPA, author, Co-Founder and CEO of Kickstart Accounting. She is a seasoned Chief Financial Officer who is rewriting what it means to provide bookkeeping and consulting services to high-earning female business owners. The Kickstart Accounting Inc. team is the one-stop-shop that provides their clients with bookkeeping services as a tiered system that grows with the business as needed. Additionally, they offer online courses (think all things money mindset), payroll services and tax consulting services. Since their founding in 2015, the Kickstart team has helped thousands of high-earning service-based business owners grow and scale their businesses to new heights.

Megan Porta  03:48

Danielle, welcome to your second time on the podcast. Hello. How are you?

Danielle Hayden  03:53

Thank you so much for having me here. Super excited.

Megan Porta  03:55

Yeah, so great to have you. This is such a necessary topic that we need to dive into occasionally. So thanks for bringing it to the table to start the episode. Do you have another fun fact to share with us?

Danielle Hayden  04:07

You know, as I was thinking about this, I think something you really unique is that I started my career as a hairdresser, which means that I have both that creative brain as well as the like right lane, right brain, left brain. I can be creative, but also understand numbers and digging into the data. So I think it’s really unique, but I understand, when I talk to other people in the creative industry, how difficult it can be to tap into one side.

Megan Porta  04:41

Oh my gosh, I do agree. I think that is super unique and very cool to have both sides kind of active. So yeah, we’re gonna tap into that today and get some information from you. Your business is kick start accounting, and I know you do bookkeeping for entrepreneurs. Can you tell us a little bit more about Kickstart,

Danielle Hayden  05:01

of course. So I started kick start about 10 years ago, which is absolutely crazy, but we use bookkeeping to help business owners, from solopreneur up, understand their numbers to make better business decisions, to grow our business and show up for tax season really confident and prepared. So we do both bookkeeping CFO and tax work for solo and growingers, awesome,

Megan Porta  05:31

because myself included here, I think a lot of us don’t like thinking or diving into that at all. The numbers are kind of like, okay, please. Somebody else take care of this. For me. I want to do those creative things, so thank you for showing up for us in that way. We appreciate you. So you’re here today to talk about healthy business spending and how that can enhance profitability, which I think is a super important topic, because it’s such a balance, right, like, I’m not making a ton of money, so how do I get my toes wet with investing? I don’t know where to start. It doesn’t feel right. It feels weird. So I don’t know that whole saying, like you need to spend money to make money. How do you feel about that? Is that truth?

Danielle Hayden  06:17

So I think that when we talk about money, and I think there’s a lot of social media memes and vibes and television shows that tell us we’re over spenders and that we need to spend less money. Stay out of Starbucks. You know, have Amazon packages at our door every day, and that’s actually fabulous marketing on their their behalf, right? Because they are socially programming it to be okay to do that in our personal lives, however we come into our business, and we’ve just been socially programmed to think, I’m not a numbers person. I’m bad with money. I’m an over spender, and I need to learn to budget. And then we we’re not we don’t compartmentalize as people, right? So we bring in all this baggage into our business, and this is the place that we’re supposed to spend, because if we’re if we want to hit our growth goals, then we need to invest in the areas that are going to support our growth, but we pull in that entire narrative of, I’m not a numbers person, I’m not good with money. I’ve always been an over spender. I need to cut spending, and then we jeopardize our business because we think that it’s most important for us to cut spending rather than invest in the areas that are going to move our business.

Megan Porta  07:43

forward. Wow, yeah, that is such a fresh perspective on that. And I was thinking about this the other day. Food blogging and a lot of entrepreneurial businesses really have such low overhead, like you can start with a couple $100 you could start for free, actually, a food. So you’re starting investing hardly anything, if anything, and then you have that message ingrained in your brain that you’re already overspending, careful, slow down, don’t spend a thing, which kind of, I don’t know it’s like a like, we’re starting off on a bad foot, right?

Danielle Hayden  08:19

It really is like, we we are programming our brains to think. Like, can I tell you when I get on client calls, it’s almost like they look at me with their shoulders slumped over, and they’re braced, Right. Like, okay. They’re like, tell me the bad news. And every time somebody will ask me, Well, where do you think I should cut back? And I’m like, cut back. We don’t need to cut back. We need to invest in in our in our business. So, yes, just all things. I want to make the point that it is very normal to feel this way, to feel like I need to maximize profitability, because that’s the messaging that we hear.

Megan Porta  09:00

Right, that’s very interesting. So stopping that message that enters our brain and knowing that in order to move our businesses forward, we absolutely have to invest in our businesses and spend a little bit, right?

Danielle Hayden  09:17

Yep, absolutely. So where do we start with that. So the first place that I want everyone to start is to know their numbers first, so we can’t say I’m over or under spending unless we first know the status of our business. And so that’s going to start with us having an accounting system in place. Now when we work with our clients, we use QuickBooks Online the simple, simple start version. And when we work with our clients, we set up the whole thing for them. So we set up the chartere accounts. We put everything in our strategic framework so that it makes sense for our clients. So you want to choose a system. That you’re going to use, so that when you’re out making money and spending money, that there is a way of organizing that spend so you know and understand the health of your business. So like I said, we use QuickBooks Online for our clients. We then take those those transactions. So again, our clients are out making money, spending money. We keep all that organized in QuickBooks for them, so that at the end of each month, we can send them their financial statements, and we send our clients what we call the snapshot. It’s an easy to read document, walking you through your numbers. So you need a tool, a system, so that you can record and organize your spending, and then at the end of each month, you need a tool or a system for looking at those numbers so that you can then compare it to your goals, your intentions and where you’re spending money. Does that make sense as like a first step? 

Megan Porta  11:00

Absolutely, it’s very simplified and understandable. So what would you recommend, if somebody’s like, I don’t know, QuickBooks, I don’t want to invest in that. What’s a kind of just really, really simple way to start with having a system for this.

Danielle Hayden  11:16

You can simply just separate your business and personal bank account, and so having a separate business bank account, and then you can export that into Excel from the bank all of your income and and expenses from that business account, so you can see it. I just want to pause though and encourage everyone who’s listening, you are never too small to have an accounting system. I believe that you have a responsibility as a business owner. So the day that we decide to start collecting money and signing up to work with vendors and contractors that we have now taken on a responsibility as a business owner to to have this information in place. And so I really, I don’t want to skate over that the importance of the fact that you have a responsibility as a business owner to know your numbers, to file your taxes, to make those key decisions. And the best tool for that is going to be to have an accounting software that will be able to give you that tool if you’re not ready, or you still are in the mindset that you are too small, that business bank account that you can export into excel will be an option as you continue to grow.

Megan Porta  12:33

And don’t you feel like just getting the business account and the accounting software established is kind of a message like, Yes, I’m official. I’m a business. I am taking myself seriously. So if nothing else, it’s just ingraining that in your mind. Like, yeah, I hear I’m showing up as a business. So let’s bring it. 

Danielle Hayden  12:52

You send an energy, yeah, into the universe, right? Whatever I don’t want to get too Woo. Woo. You believe what you believe. But I do believe that money is energy, and if I am investing money in taking myself serious, if I am setting myself up like a real business owner, I’m sending a message to the universe, my my customers, I’m sending a message to myself, most importantly, my subconscious, that I am here to accept the growth. I’m here to accept the what I what I actually, truly deserve. 

Megan Porta  13:31

Oh, you said that beautifully. I totally believe that even if you’re like day one, just starting out, if you’re going to turn this into a business, if you intend to do that, then get started with this immediately. So once we have the system and we have a way to record and kind of analyze what we’re spending and what is coming in, what do we do from there? Do we have categories? What do we got?

Danielle Hayden  13:55

Yeah. So you’re going to set up your accounting system with the categories that are going to help you be able to read your numbers. Now, throughout the month, you’re going to be putting those expenses into the specific categories in QuickBooks at the end of each month, this is where the gold is. You are going to look at your numbers as the business owner and ask yourself, did my spending align with my goals? So we all do this super fun new year’s resolution goals process, right? And I want everyone to think simply over the next 12 months. So it doesn’t have to be at New Year’s time. It doesn’t have to be at the end of the year. It doesn’t have to be in the summer, just right now for the next 12 months? What is the intention of your business? Meaning? I want to rapidly grow like I am looking for hockey stick growth. I want to invest in making this business really succeed and grow. If that’s my intention, then when I look at my numbers, I need to be seeing investment into advertising and marketing networking groups, right? Like I need to see in my spending that I am investing in the areas of my business that are going to create growth, maybe paid ads, working with a consultant, social media marketing, right? Like all those pieces, when I look at my numbers now, because I know my intention is growth, I have to see 8 to 10% of my spending, 8 to 10% of my gross sales. I need to be spending back out and advertising and marketing costs. If my intention for the year is to be home with my kids and to be able to cook dinner for them every night and to be present, I want to be the one to pick up my son. This is my story this year. So my son is 15, and he is not going to need me much longer, and so I am really determined to be the one to drop him off at school and pick him up every day, and to be here to cook dinner for him, and just really enjoy my last few years. I mean, hopefully he moves out when he’s 18. You never know. So for me, you know my my goal, right? So somebody in my shoes, they would have more spending in the area of team. So I have a huge payroll cost because I can’t do this on my own, and I still have a big mission in the world that I want to fulfill, and so I am trying to grow my business at the same time of making sure that I have that work life balance, so I’m going to be spending 50% of my sales on paying my team and my outside contractors to keep fulfilling the mission of my business while I take time to be with my family. So again, you can see my spending needs to align with my intention.

Sponsor  17:05

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Megan Porta  18:39

That is such a good framework. So if you’re listening, you need to take the time to figure out what your intention is for the next year, right? Like, what are your goals? Maybe they align with what yours are. Danielle, but I know a lot of people in the boat of just I need to grow fast too. What are some other things that people might align with, as far as intentions. 

Danielle Hayden  19:03

So I’m gonna tell you about a client of mine who I watched go through several years of a journey we watched her go through when she first came to us, she said, Danielle, I need you to teach me how to run my business at a loss. And I said, Oh, okay, request, you know. So we did what we call a catch up. We brought in all of her transactions, we cleaned up her books, we got her all organized and ready. So this was like November time frame. And I said, Well, Jenna, I said, I have good news and bad news. The good news is that I don’t have to teach you to run your business at a loss because you are making money. The bad news is that because you were commingling, you felt like you were losing money. And it’s too late in the year to actually implement any strategies. So you’re going to be taking paying taxes on these dollars. So when we wait, we risk our mindset when we wait to look at our numbers. We risk overpaying in taxes to very real situations that happen when we’re not looking at our numbers throughout the year. But here’s this really cool thing that happened with Jenna. Jenna had an entire mindset shift, and she said, Oh my gosh, I’m not a freelancer. I got something here that works, and I watched her say, I’m going to become a business owner. I am growing this thing. And over the next year, we watched her invest in conferences, masterminds, in person networking. She ran paid ads. She built out her marketing funnel. I mean, she invested heavily in that area of her business to grow revenue. Now, the next year, she came to us and said, Danielle, I really I’m ready to put down some roots. I need to refocus and capitalize on the growth the momentum, but I really need to take home some owners draws and pay myself because I want to buy a house. So we cut down her spending in other areas to make sure that she could pay herself monthly. She saved up for her home, and at the end of that year, we watched her purchase her first home. So cool. That’s so cool, right? But shift in spending, she was spending less in marketing and and taking more in draws. But she knew it wasn’t forever. She wasn’t gonna she wasn’t gonna live like that forever. So after she bought the house, her mom actually got sick, and she was so grateful that she was able to move her mom into her new home and she was able to care for her mom. Now, over the next year, we watched her shift her spending again. She needed to spend money on a team, because she didn’t want to lose her clients. She didn’t want to lose what she was doing, the momentum she had created from from the previous year. So she invested in a team. She didn’t pay herself very much. She didn’t invest in advertising and marketing, but she paid her team to keep her business going. After her mom passed away, she said, Okay, I’m ready to go all in again, and we had to find a balance between paying herself so she could afford her new home, so that she could pay her team that she had grown to love and reinvest back into the business so she can continue to grow, but our seasons of life are gonna change, and so we need to make sure that our spending aligns with the season that we’re in. 

Megan Porta  22:32

Oh, that’s such a good example. Her story is such a great example of just how things evolve over time, and just shows that you need to reassess this from time to time. Do you recommend yearly, just kind of digging into your goals and intentions, or how often?

Danielle Hayden  22:49

I would say at least yearly. So we, we do budgets for our clients. So it is a process of sitting back to say, All right, I can see what happened over the last 12 months, but here’s where I’m going for the next 12 months. And it’s that act of really planning out. Here’s where I want to see my business go, my intention, and then mapping out the revenue and the expenses to get myself there. 

Megan Porta  23:17

Okay, so I have a question I think a lot of people will be wondering right now, a lot of my listeners are newish food bloggers who are maybe, like not making much money at all, or making very little money. They want to grow quickly. I don’t know. You know, they probably have other intentions and goals as well. So this will vary, but yeah, like, I know, the question a lot of people ask is, what’s the one or two investments that I start with? Where do we even begin?

Danielle Hayden  23:48

If our goal is to grow our business, then I think the best place that we can invest is in advertising and marketing. Now I also believe in the power of consistency and time. What I see all too often with our clients and in the entrepreneurship space is that we try something and when it doesn’t work fast enough, we pivot to the next thing. We have been doing bookkeeping for almost 10 years, we have been consistent. And what we do, we do bookkeeping for solopreneurs, and we do it year after year after year after year, and our clients and our community know that that’s what we do. We have consistency in the market. We have consistency with who we are as a culture and as a brand. And so I just mentioned that because if you are at the beginning, my my greatest advice to anybody at the beginning will always be to start with the, What are you going to be consistent with and how are you going to deliver that into the world?

Megan Porta  25:02

Hmm, okay, yeah, because I think that can look differently for each niche of being an entrepreneur, right? So that could look way different for your niche, for bookkeeping, than it would maybe for a content creator. So just thinking through what that looks like for food bloggers, one of the things that comes to my mind is having a reliable web host, because you want your food blog to be online and not crash at any given time. So investing in that is huge. You want that to be consistent. Yeah, I’m just trying to think through some other things that could align with that consistency piece, showing up consistently, yeah.

Danielle Hayden  25:42

Being known for what you blog on, right? Like being consistent, like when I when I show up to your blog, I know I’m going to find this type of content, and I’m going to see it over and over and over again. I have my podcast Business by the Books. And when we started the podcast over the years, my marketing team or our producer would say, oh, it’s Thanksgiving, just skip this week. Or it’s Fourth of July, just skip this week. And I said you guys were never skipping a week. Ever. Our listeners know that every Tuesday, there will be an episode of business by the books, no matter what. And I think for anybody who is putting out content and creating anything in the world, that consistency over time, that we know that that that you’re not going anywhere, that you take yourself serious, and that you are showing up consistently over time.

Megan Porta  26:40

Yeah, and that in itself is an investment, just you delivering that message to your people that you will be there time and time again on the schedule that you said you would. Yeah, all right, so starting there and then. Don’t you feel like, once you start with one investment, it kind of just like each next step reveals itself. So you don’t need to figure out your whole year of investments necessarily. You just take that first step, invest in that thing you know you need to do, and then other things start to make more sense?

Danielle Hayden  27:13

Absolutely. So that’s why I preach again. I don’t care how small you are, you need to know your numbers every single month, because that’s that same, same consistency and alignment with spending. Because you know what, guys, there’s going to be things that don’t work, and if you’re doing them over and over and over again, but you’re not checking your numbers until the end of the year, oh my god. You go to file your tax return, you’re like, oh my god, I spent $5,000 on that throughout the year. I that that wasn’t working. I should have, I should have stopped spending money on that in July, but you weren’t looking so you forgot you were spending money there. And then we get to the end of the year and we file our tax return like, oh my god, I spent so much money. It gives you an opportunity every single month to reset.

Megan Porta  28:00

Yeah, I’m kind of on the extreme end of the spectrum, where I look at my budget almost daily, just so I have, I don’t know, it just calms me. It gives me a sense of confidence about what’s going in, what’s going out. And I know that you probably don’t recommend that necessarily, but yeah, what if somebody’s just getting into this and they need to be more consistent with just knowing what’s coming in and going out. What schedule would you recommend? Like, monthly, weekly, just touching in, how often?

Danielle Hayden  28:35

I would check in, monthly, okay, every single month.

Megan Porta  28:38

I feel like that’s so overwhelming, because so much happens in my business in a month, I would be like, Oh my gosh, this is way too much to digest I feel like.

Danielle Hayden  28:47

If you’re doing your own bookkeeping, it’s gonna be weekly. So so let me yeah, let me rephrase that, if you’re doing your own bookkeeping, I would recommend weekly. What I’m saying is a monthly exercise. Is you as the business owner, analyzing, reading, reflecting on your numbers, that nobody else can do that for you, and that has to be done monthly. I really honestly, I recommend that no matter where you are in business, that you have somebody who’s helping you as your money team help you with the bookkeeping, because that’s not your strong suit. That’s not your zone of genius. It’s going to be, to your point, very overwhelming. It’s going to be very hard for you to want to sit down and do that. I mean, when I have to do something in like Canva, I mean, it’s like, I’ll scrub my floors in my hand and hands and knees before I go. And I know that that’s how people feel about about QuickBooks and bookkeeping, and so stop doing things that aren’t in your zone of genius, that you’re not good at you don’t know how to do, and do the things that you’re good at. Like, I can’t do what you do, and that’s beautiful, right? Like, I need you, and you need somebody. To do that for you. So your job as a business owner is only to read the numbers, because that’s really you’re not qualified to do the other pieces. 

Megan Porta  30:08

Yeah, that whole tapping into what is lighting you up and what you’re good at. There is so much value there in just being a more productive, happy person and entrepreneur, don’t you think? 

Danielle Hayden  30:22

Yes, absolutely. I mean, why are we doing this? Like, really, why are we? 

Megan Porta  30:27

Freedom? Lot of people freedom…

Danielle Hayden  30:30

And if we’re doing it for freedom, then do the things that you love, yeah, right? Because my mom always said and, and I always think it’s ironic that I became an accountant, because my mom always said, there’s two things in life that are for sure. We’re going to pay taxes and we’re going to die. Sounds morbidly and crazy, but every year we show up to April as especially as business owners, like, oh geez, I forgot to organize my books again. I forgot to look at my numbers, I forgot to track my mileage, I forgot to and why did we forget it’s because we’re avoiding it, because it’s hard. But when we went into business, we went into the business for the time freedom, for the joy, for the love of what we do. And I just want to give us all permission to do the things that we love to do. I don’t do the things that I don’t enjoy in my business anymore.

Megan Porta  31:22

I know that’s the end goal, right? I think for a lot of people, is having that time and schedule freedom and not doing things that we hate to do, taking those off one by one and outsourcing them as needed. What are we missing? Is there anything that we’ve missed talking about as far as just digging into healthy business spending making our businesses more profitable?

Danielle Hayden  31:45

You know, though, the one other thing I’ll say is I can’t tell you the exact number for you to be at, although we have clients who say to us all the time, well, tell me what everybody else is doing, like, what is everybody else spending? So here’s the guide that I’ll give everybody. You can go to Kickstarteracountinginc.com/healthy, and they there you can download the healthy percentages worksheet. This will tell you the range of percentages that we recommend for you to spend in each area. So I had mentioned specifically eight to 10% of your sales on advertising and marketing. We want you know, 5% of our sales to go to outside services. We can’t do this on our own. We need team members and people in this in in our passion, helping us do what we love to do. We need to spend money on systems and opera operating this business because you’re not meant to do everything manually. So we want to be spending, spending, you know, 8% of our sales back out and subscriptions, so that we have the tools to make this job enjoyable. We shouldn’t be doing things manually or on the free version. You know, let’s send a signal to the world that says, I need this so that I can support this business team is another big one. As we grow and as we need support, having access to a virtual assistant or other contractors who are going to help you get your purpose into the world further, being able to spend a portion of your revenue back out in wages, to be able to get that support. So you can check out those percentages. It’s going to be different for everybody, depending on where you’re at with your intention for that year. But that will give you that starting point guide.

Megan Porta  33:36

Going back to what we were talking about earlier in our conversation, just about sending those messages out to the universe, like, Yes, I’m ready for, you know, to really run this business and show up as a businesswoman, whatever. I think also, just doing everything that’s free is also a message, do you agree? Like, I’m tapping into the free stuff and I’m not willing to invest in my business. That is a huge message.

Danielle Hayden  34:01

It really is, if we don’t, if we don’t believe that we deserve to be a business, we’re sending that into the world. I’m not ready.

Megan Porta  34:14

It’s an important message that you don’t want to send into the world. Yeah, it’s interesting, though, because I really do think that there’s so much in those messages that we send. So just to pause a little bit and think about what message you are sending with the investments you make. I try to do that often, but yeah, this has been a great conversation. Danielle, thank you so much for showing up and just delivering all this value today.

Danielle Hayden  34:43

Oh, thank you so much for having me. It’s a pleasure. This is my favorite topic. I can go on and on forever, because I believe that we have an opportunity to take up space and really make a difference in this world. Super exciting.

Megan Porta  34:56

Yes, awesome. Do you have either a favorite quote or words of inspiration to leave us with.

Danielle Hayden  35:01

So I’ve recently got my first tattoo with my daughter. And I have been saying her entire life, mind over matter, and she turned 19 and said, Ma, let’s get these matching tattoos. We have mind over matter, and I believe that in everything, because despite what the what is your circumstance today iur mindset can control where we’re going in the future.

Megan Porta  35:25

Oh, it’s everything, right? I love that. I love that you guys did that together too. That’s so cool. Yeah, we’ll put together another show notes page for you. Danielle, if anyone wants to go, look at those. Head to eatblogtalk.com/kickstartaccounting2. I know you mentioned your guide. Where else can people find you?

Danielle Hayden  35:44

KickstarterAccountinginc.com, come book a call with our team. We’d love to hear about you and your your business and Business by the Books, we are coming out with a new podcast episode every single week talking about how to use your numbers to make business decisions. 

Megan Porta  36:01

And you’ll be there every week like you promised. Awesome. Everyone go check out all of Danielle’s stuff. Thank you again, so much for being here and thank you for listening food bloggers. I will see you next time. 

Outro  36:14

Thank you so much for listening to this episode of Eat Blog Talk. Don’t forget to rate and review Eat Blog Talk on your favorite podcast player. Thank you, and I will see you next time you.


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✍️ Reach out to connect with Heather Eberle, a copywriter for food bloggers. As much as you enjoy your business, maybe writing or marketing isn’t your cup of tea. Maybe you’d rather spend more time in the kitchen and less time on your laptop. Heather is here to clear your plate! Let Heather help you share your content with the world.

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