In episode 398, Megan chats to Lee McGuire about how she grew her Instagram account to over a 100k followers in one year using mostly reels.
We cover information about knowing how often to post, the importance of engagement, knowing if there’s a correlation between traffic and followers and the value of videos on the platform.
Listen on the player below or on iTunes, TuneIn, Stitcher, or your favorite podcast player. Or scroll down to read a full transcript.
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Guest Details
Connect with Lane & Grey Fare
Website | Instagram | Facebook
Bio Lee is the creator, photographer, recipe developer and writer of the gluten free food blog, Lane & Grey Fare. There you’ll find gluten free and allergy-friendly food that is as decadent, savory and rich as other food, while still being simple enough to make in your own home. As a mother of two children with celiac disease and multiple food allergies, Lee desires to share all that she’s learned with others going through the same situation in a way that’s entertaining and helpful.
- Posting daily, even on the weekend, is valuable in growing your IG account.
This additional engagement is important for earning Reels bonuses. **Reels bonuses were discontinued 3/27/23. Engagement continues to draw interest in your brand and help people visit your page however.
- Reels vs photos
- Engaging with your audiences comments and on other accounts helps the algorithm see you.
- Traffic can grow to your blog as you grow your followers.
- Longer Reels are important
- Shorter Reels that are straight to the point perform best
- Check key insights to know when most active times are for your audience
- Hashtags are still valuable.
- Quality of pictures do matter.
Resources Mentioned
- Coaching with Stephanie’s Sweet Treats
- Foodtography School
- Top Hat Rank
- NerdPress
Click for full script.
EBT398 – Lee McGuire
Intro: Food bloggers. Hi, how are you today? Thank you so much for tuning in to the Eat Blog Talk podcast. This is the place for food bloggers to get information and inspiration to accelerate your blog’s growth and ultimately help you to achieve your freedom, whether that’s financial, personal, or professional.
I’m Megan Porta, and I’ve been a food blogger for over 12 years. I understand how isolating food blogging can be at times. I’m on a mission to motivate, inspire, and most importantly, let each and every food blogger, including you, know that you are heard and supported.
Okay. Talk about relevant information specifically about Instagram. This episode is all about relevant Instagram info that you are going to want to listen to. Lee has grown her Instagram account hugely in the past year. She went from 19,000 followers in February 2022 to 164,000 followers today. So she knows what to do to grow, and she’s also seen some great traffic to her blog from the growth, which is really interesting as well. So enjoy this episode. It is sponsored by RankIQ and it is episode number 398.
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Megan Porta: Lee McGuire is the creator, photographer, recipe developer and writer of the gluten-free food blog Lane and Grey Fair. There you’ll find gluten-free and allergy friendly food that is as decadent, savory, and rich as other food while still being simple enough to make in your own home. As a mother of two children with celiac disease and multiple food allergies, Lee knew she wanted to share all that she’s learned on her journey with others going through the same situation in a way that’s entertaining and helpful.
Hi, Lee. Thank you so much for joining me on the podcast. How are you today?
Lee McGuire: Good, how are you? Thank you so much for having me.
Megan Porta: Yeah, good. I’m good too. I’m super excited to chat about Instagram and the switch that we’re all seeing. Going from posting really easy photos to now, we’re having to think through reels. But before we dig into all of your awesome points on that, I would love to know if you have a fun fact to share.
Lee McGuire: I do. I actually have a BFA in acting. I went to college for acting and I actually was the ballerina prior to that in my younger years. And one of the things that is funny is that I actually use some of my history in ballet, in my photography, so especially in photos where you see my hands, I elongate my fingers and try to have elegant looking hands because I feel like that makes for a more attractive photo.
Megan Porta: That’s so interesting. Do you feel like without your history, your ballet history, that you wouldn’t think of that?
Lee McGuire: It’s hard because I feel like when you put your hands in a photo, sometimes it can look awkward or it can look stiff. I feel like my history really did help to try and make it look elegant.
Megan Porta: That’s funny that you say that because every once in a while I look at a photo that I’ve done where my hand is involved and I’m like, oh gosh. Like what? My hand does not normally look like that.
Lee McGuire: It’s hard because when you’re taking a photo, obviously you’re not going to be holding a whisk the way you would normally hold it as if you were baking.
Megan Porta: But just awkward or maybe a little extra plump, or like it just doesn’t look right. So now I’m going to start thinking about that more.
Lee McGuire: Dance hands.
Megan Porta: Dance hands. Oh, I love it. Okay. That’s super awesome. Definitely a unique, fun fact that I’ve never heard, but I love it so much. Thank you. Okay, so you have noticed, as most of the rest of us have as well that there’s been a major switch recently from photos to reels. I feel like if you don’t post reels or you’re not doing it somewhat consistently, that wow, you just notice that you get like no attraction. It’s overwhelming because it’s a big change.
Lee McGuire: It is.
Megan Porta: I would love to hear your history with Instagram before we dig into your points, because I want to know just like when did you start your account? How involved have you been with Instagram, all of that.
Lee McGuire: Perfect. So I started my account around the end of August in 2019. So a while ago. But when I started I was not being consistent, I was posting here and there, and at that time I didn’t even have a blog yet, so I was sharing recipes in the captions and I was not seeing much traffic at all. That was at the time where photos were still the main focus of Instagram. Reels hadn’t really come into anything yet. So about probably last year, I think around this time last year, around February is when I decided to make the switch from photos, which even I was posting from 2019 up until last year. So 2022, just photos. I still was seeing very slow growth. So last year at this time I had 19,000 followers. So yeah, that’s great, but I had been doing it since 2019, so it was a very slow growth. But when I started doing reels last year this time, I went from 19,000 followers to 164,000. So that’s about 145,000 followers that I gained in this year since I started doing mostly reels.
Megan Porta: Oh my gosh. Wow. Okay. That’s a huge success story.
Lee McGuire: It’s a huge change, right? From taking multiple years to get to 19 and then gaining 145 in one year.
Megan Porta: Oh my goodness. Okay, so we have a lot to learn from you clearly.
Lee McGuire: Oh gosh. Thank you.
Megan Porta: So what are some points that we need to keep in mind if we want to have growth as well?
Lee McGuire: So one of the biggest things that I found, and I’m sure a lot of people do know this too, is consistency. I find you have to post every single day. Even I found, on the weekends. I know a lot of people don’t, but I found that if I posted Monday through Friday and my engagement was looking good and I was getting follows, and then I didn’t post on Saturday or Sunday, by Monday again, now anything I posted was getting not that many views and I had to build up through the week, if that made sense. Then by Friday it was like back to doing my normal, but then if I didn’t post Saturday and Sunday, it was like a cycle. It started all over again. So when I started posting every single day, including Saturdays and Sundays, I started to see real improvement. I found in my experience, Saturdays are not the greatest day. A lot of people have things going on with their families. Soccer practice for kids,whatever it is. But Sundays, for whatever reason, Sundays sometimes are my best days, where I see the most.
Megan Porta: So you see the most traction on Sundays. Interesting. Okay. Wow. Okay. So Instagram is like a needy friend. If you disappear for a day or two, then they’re like, oh fine, I’m going to punish you and you jerk. I’m not letting you in for a while. That is so crazy.
Lee McGuire: It’s even interesting and I found that even if you are running around all day and you’re busy, if you have a million appointments and you forget to post and you’re like, oh gosh, it’s seven o’clock at night or it’s nine o’clock at night even. I didn’t post today. It’s too late now. I’ll just do it tomorrow. No. Still posting. It doesn’t matter. Just get it out there because I found that really helps.
Megan Porta: Okay. So we have to be consistent. Especially as we’re building up. How much of a time investment is this? So how much time are you spending each day on this?
Lee McGuire: That’s a decent amount of time. Not hours and hours, but now that I have a stronger following, I spend less. In the beginning. Like when I first started doing reels last year, I think I was spending more time because another thing that is important I found is engagement, right? So if you have people liking your post or commenting on your post, it’s super important to respond to them. Even now, I respond to as many people as I can without spending hours and hours sitting there responding to every comment, because obviously nobody has time for that. But responding to the comments. Not only responding to the comments, but going to the pages of people that you follow and commenting on their photos and their reels really does help too. But like I said, last year when I first made the switch, I did really respond to every single comment that was made on my reel.
Megan Porta: Oh my gosh. Yeah. That’s a lot though.
Lee McGuire: It was.
Megan Porta: Yeah. So how do you manage this time? Or do you just go down a rabbit hole and just see where it takes you?
Lee McGuire: I try to do it when I am on the go, if that makes any sense. So when I’m home and I’m working, I try not to involve my time too much in responding to comments and stuff then. But if I’m out and about, meaning if I’m in the car waiting to pick up my son or my daughter from school and you’re in the car loop line or whatever it is and you’re just killing some time, even 10 minutes is better than zero minutes. So I’ll just sit there and scroll through and try and respond to some of the people who posted on my reels. But probably in the beginning I was spending, like I said, more time, probably upwards of half hour or something after I posted, just sitting there responding to anyone who said something.
Megan Porta: Yeah. Can I ask you about your goals with Instagram? Because I think that’s really important too. I’ve heard just a lot of people in our space lately just, why am I doing this? Why? Why exactly am I doing this? So I think it’s really important, before you dig into all of this, just to sit down with yourself and figure out if it aligns with what you actually want in your business. So what were your goals with Instagram back in February?
Lee McGuire: So a year ago, my goal was different than when I first started Instagram. When I first started. I was just doing it as a hobby, but then once it shifted and I started a blog and now it is a business. About a year ago, I really wanted to get more traffic because I found that my blog was brand new, right? So my SEO and Google still needed improvement, right? So I wasn’t getting so much traffic via Google. So at the time I was like, if I can build up my Instagram following or my social following, that will help send people to my blog. So that was really my goal was to build this following so that I could send people back to the blog so they could see my recipes. Because obviously that’s now where I was posting my recipes on the blog versus in my captions, like when I first started without the blog.
Megan Porta: Since you’ve built it up, have you noticed an increase in your traffic from Instagram?
Lee McGuire: I have, yes.
Megan Porta: Awesome.
Lee McGuire: So I started my blog, it’s coming up April will be two years ago. About six months ago I was finally accepted to get advertisements on my blog.
Megan Porta: Oh, congrats. That’s amazing.
Lee McGuire: Great. Thank you. So it took a while, once I started, but not that long since I started really focusing on reels and showing people the food, it definitely did help.
Megan Porta: Was there a tipping point? Because smaller numbers, like if you’re like 10,000, 20,000, it probably doesn’t translate to a ton of traffic. At what point did you feel like it was really worth it?
Lee McGuire: Good question. Once I hit about 50,000, I think in the summer, because that’s when I got accepted to some of the ad networks, because I know some of them you have to have 50,000 sessions. So I was seeing this correlation between how many followers I had and how many sessions I had on my blog.
Megan Porta: Oh, interesting.
Lee McGuire: So it did match up. So I feel like probably once I reached around 50,000 followers, I did start seeing more traffic to my blog, which did in turn help.
Megan Porta: Okay. That’s awesome. I love hearing this because under 50k, which is most of us, right? We’re like, I don’t know. Why am I doing this? But to see your story and see that it does actually translate to traffic if you keep going with it, this is really inspiring.
Lee McGuire: Thank you. Obviously it’s important for Google, to get your topic for your blog that way too, but I thought my blog is new, what can I do right now in this moment, in addition to obviously working on my blog to help. The reels really did seem to help drive traffic.
Megan Porta: Okay. So how long do you make your reels, first of all?
Lee McGuire: So a lot of people post longer videos and reels. I think that’s great. I do that too. And it’s especially good for your blog, obviously, when you have the step-by-step instructions basically of how to make whatever food it is you’re showing. I do put them on Instagram. However, I found that shorter videos that get right to the point basically perform way better. When I say right to the point, literally only a few seconds, like three seconds, I’m not even kidding, does way better than a video that’s maybe 30 to 90 seconds long. So for example, not too long ago I posted a video of how to make cookies. It was my strawberry sugar cookies. The step-by-step video did okay, it got 46,000 views. But it was a longer video showing you know what to put in, how you mix it, with all the steps. But then maybe a couple weeks later I posted just a quick video of the inside of the cookie and that got about 2.7 million.
Megan Porta: Oh my gosh. Geez.
Lee McGuire: So it’s a big difference. So obviously the longer videos are still important, but I think that a combination of the two is definitely good. Because maybe the longer ones are going to help people go to your blog being like, oh, now I see how to make this but the shorter ones people want to see what does it look like on the inside, or what does the texture on the outside look like?
Megan Porta: I totally agree with you when I’m scrolling through Instagram, I love those really short ones and I’ve noticed that just as a user, I watch them repeatedly. If it’s like a cookie that you’re talking about and you see the inside and there’s an amazing texture or something, I’ll be like, oh gosh, that was amazing. I’ll keep watching it over and over. So I actually end up watching it for 30 seconds, but it’s a three second video.
Lee McGuire: Exactly. That obviously helps the person who posted it. As a viewer, that helps you too, because in those few seconds you’re determining, do you want to make this cookie? Do you not want to make this cookie? What does the inside look like? No, I don’t like chewy, crunchy cookies or vice versa. You’ll know in those few split seconds whether this is something that you are interested in.
Megan Porta: How long do you spend just putting the reel together? I’m assuming you take video from existing stuff that you already have and you just cut it way down and put it on. How long does that take you each day?
Lee McGuire: I have everything prepared ahead of time. So when I’m making a new recipe, for example, we will use these strawberry sugar cookies. When I was making these cookies, I did the video and I did the process shots. But what I do is when I shoot the video, I make sure to only do clips at a time. So if I’m pouring in the flour, I take that and then I stop the camera. Then I continue so that it’s easier for me, this is my experience, when I put them all together to make a longer video. But also it’s easier this way to just be able to pull out that three second clip where I’m just showing the cookies. So I have those all ready to go, which is great. So I don’t have to keep editing every time I want to post a video. I have them saved on my phone. Okay, today I’m just going to show this three second clip and I have it ready to go. So it really doesn’t take me anytime at all. The longest thing is obviously the longer video, but I have it in such a way that I have the clips organized so that I just pop them in and they’re good to go.
Megan Porta: How often do you post those more long form videos?
Lee McGuire: Not that often. I’ll post every time I make a new recipe. So actually today I have a new recipe coming out, so I will post the longer video today. But then the next time I post, today is going to be Brownie, small batch brownies, and next time I post them, it’s going to be a short clip. That will most likely do better than the long video where I’m talking, et cetera.
Megan Porta: Do you ever have an instance where the long video does better?
Lee McGuire: I have never had that happen.
Megan Porta: Oh, never.
Lee McGuire: Maybe other people have had that happen, but for me, no. My videos that have gone, quote unquote viral or whatever you want to call it, have always been a few seconds long.
Megan Porta: Okay, that’s good.
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Megan Porta: Then you talked about the fact that you should at least post once a day. Do you ever post more than that?
Lee McGuire: I actually do. So this is very interesting. This kind of goes along with consistency too. But every time I Google anything, they always say, oh, you only should post once a day. If you post more than once a day, that’s too much. They’ll view it as spammy or it’s going to cut your engagement down. I found that it is the opposite. I’ve been posting pretty much twice a day, consistently, probably for this past year. I don’t know, I’ve seen, like I said, this kind of crazy growth. The one thing is though, I do try and post at my key times. So I won’t post them in a row. I won’t post one video. Then, 10 minutes later, post another one. Let’s say my key times, and you can see this on your professional dashboard. My key times are 12 o’clock and three o’clock. Or if your key times are two o’clock and five o’clock, then that’s when I’m posting. I’m trying anyway, to post my two reels at those key times.
Megan Porta: I haven’t been in insights recently. Is it obvious to see what your key times are?
Lee McGuire: It is. It is. So if you go into your professional dashboard, so if you go into there, professional dashboard and you click on Account Insights and you click see all, and then you just scroll over and you can see your followers and you click on your total followers, and then you scroll to the bottom, it will show you most active times of the people who are looking at your stuff.
Megan Porta: Okay. So stick to those if you can.
Lee McGuire: Like I said, if you forget and it’s nine o’clock at, whatever. Post anyway, because I’ve seen some reels that do better when I’ve done that.
Megan Porta: Right. Yeah. Then, do you schedule out or do you do it real time?
Lee McGuire: I don’t. I do it in real time. Because I had read different things about, oh, some people say if you schedule out that you don’t get as much engagement, this, that and the other thing. I don’t know if that’s true or not. Yeah. But I don’t. I just do it myself because I pretty much will reuse captions that I’ve used before and I have them saved. So I can just copy and paste hashtags so I don’t have to sit there typing the whole thing out every single time that I post, if that makes sense.
Megan Porta: Yeah. What is the standard practice lately on hashtags?
Lee McGuire: I don’t know. I should be honest with you.
Megan Porta: Throw something up and see.
Lee McGuire: Maybe six months ago I was using a lot more hashtags. The total amount you could pretty much use. Then there was this shift and everybody said no, you should be using eight to 12 or hashtags or something like that. A lot less. So I actually did start using a lot less. So now I’m using around, this eight to 12 range and I don’t know how I feel about it yet. I’m still not decided because sometimes every now and then we’ll throw one with a lot of hashtags in just to see how it does. I haven’t really noticed a major difference between the two yet. I even tried one with no hashtags because some things I was reading was saying, oh, hashtags are limiting your audience, you shouldn’t use them. That did not work out for me.
Megan Porta: Okay. That’s good to know.
Lee McGuire: I’m like okay, back to the hashtags, but I’m trying to use around eight to 12.
Megan Porta: Okay, perfect. Then what about, so we’re talking about reels. Do we still include those static images in and then carousels as well? What are your thoughts on those?
Lee McGuire: So that’s a good question because I feel like I heard now that Instagram is saying they might be going back to making pictures more of a priority. But who knows? Because I feel like everything is so geared towards video right now. I feel like that engages people more. So I’m not sure. But I did notice, because I’ll look into this, the other accounts that are larger, who have been posting photos here and there in between their reels, I feel like they’re not getting the same results on their pictures that they are on their reels. So I think it couldn’t hurt to do both. But I wouldn’t completely eliminate one versus the other. A combination of the two is definitely something you do. If in the morning say, okay, I’m going to post a reel, and then maybe later you say, okay, I’ll post a picture. But I would still, as of right now, at least put more of your weight into the reels.
Megan Porta: Okay. I like what you said about just going and looking at other large accounts just to see what they’re doing and what’s working. I think that’s something that we can all do, is just keep a close eye on those really big accounts.
Lee McGuire: Because something is working well for them. So you want to see what. It isn’t that you’re trying to copy them, you’re trying to see what works well and how they’re succeeding.
Megan Porta: Yeah. Okay. So reels are really where it’s at. I know this is also a topic that has been discussed a lot lately amongst food bloggers. The quality. How good of quality do we need to publish?
Lee McGuire: So there’s a couple things regarding quality. So number one, I think in my opinion, if we’re talking about pictures, that the quality of pictures still really does matter. Because I know a lot of times people will just put up a reel and they pick, you know how you can choose the cover photo and they just have it as part of the video, kinda like TikTok does. But I feel like adding that cover photo really makes a difference because if somebody’s just seeing your reel on the explore page or whatever it is, okay, fine. But if they’re interested in what you’re making, then maybe that brings them to your page. If your page has this kind of cohesive, clean look to it, I feel as though it’s going to be a lot more inviting. People might be like, Ooh, look at all these, look at all this food here. Versus if it’s just clips of videos, which sometimes can be confusing depending on what it’s showing. So that’s my opinion on the quality of pictures. As for quality of videos, there are some really amazing people out there who have these incredible videos that are so artistic and so beautiful, and then unfortunately what they’re following doesn’t really match the quality of their work. I do mine on my iPhone. And there’s two reasons for that. Number one, it’s easier and quicker. Number two, I feel like there’s a part of it that kind of gives this more like I can do this too, feel to it. It’s not as far removed as this gorgeous artistic piece where somebody else is that’s beautiful, but I can’t do that. I feel like when you’re using your phone, it’s a lot more I can do. I can do that. Okay.
Megan Porta: Relatability.
Lee McGuire: Exactly right. Yeah.
Megan Porta: Yeah. I’ve noticed that as a trend as well, just from hearing blogger friends talk about that. You can put pretty little effort into creating video these days and get a lot of traction. That goes for TikTok as well. Almost like the crappier the better.
Lee McGuire: They want to see it, they want to be able to connect to it. People who should run the camera too, that’s totally fine. But I feel like if you’re trying to not spend so much time on this, then I really think the iPhone or whatever is fine.
Megan Porta: This is a relief for me because back in the day, oh my gosh, I felt like we curated everything. My kitchen had to be spotless. There was something on top of my fridge and I was mortified. Now it’s no, make your kitchen messy. People want to be able to relate to you. So I think this is really freeing and liberating. Good news for a lot of people. Okay, is there anything we missed? I do have a question for you to kinda wrap up, but I just want to make sure there’s nothing that we missed, like logistically anything else we should keep in mind about creating reels?
Lee McGuire: One thing I didn’t talk about, which is something that a lot of people.Do mention is the reels bonuses, right? Is it worth doing these bonuses? Do the bonuses hurt your engagement? I’ve had so many people say that when they did the bonuses, it was not worth it at all because they’re making basically pennies off of their reel, and it’s actually hurting their engagement and they’re getting less views and less comments. I don’t know. I found the opposite of that to be true. I got accepted to reel’s bonuses basically a year ago, and I’ve been doing them. Sure you’re not going to be making loads of money, but I found that it really hasn’t been hurting the views. I still have certain ones that go viral. I still have people commenting the same. It’s not like it has been hurting me when I made the switch from not doing bonuses to doing bonuses. I’m not really sure what makes some people think that it is hurting their engagement. Maybe they notice their numbers going down, but for me, like I said, it really, I haven’t noticed anything negative.
Megan Porta: That’s good. I’m glad you haven’t noticed anything.,
Lee McGuire: Because if you can make a few extra books, that’s free, so it helps.
Megan Porta: Maybe that coincides with other factors too. You just never know what else is going on. Maybe there was an algorithm change, like something else could have happened at that point. So it’s really hard to measure that, I think. But it’s really good to hear that experience that you’ve had. Okay. I have a question just about if someone’s listening and they’re like, yes, I definitely want to dig into Instagram, I want to do this. I would love to hear from you, what is the bare minimum you think that someone could put in and see traction?
Lee McGuire: Great question. So I know, like I said, it’s difficult to post multiple times a day like I’m doing, but I think at least the number one thing, I think the biggest thing, like we talked about in the beginning, is the consistency. I really think that you have to post every single day. If it’s one, if you’re just doing one reel a day, that’s fine, but it has to be every single day, including the weekends.
Megan Porta: Okay.
Lee McGuire: But it doesn’t have to be new. Okay, and when I say every single day, that doesn’t mean it has to be new material every single day. Meaning it doesn’t have to be a new recipe. You’re like I don’t have a new recipe, so now I can’t post anything tomorrow. Reuse your material. Which is that I do. So every couple months or whatever, I’ll post a video again that I have already posted.
Megan Porta: That’s the great thing about these three second videos or reels being so popular, is that you can grab any three seconds from the video that you create for a recipe.
Lee McGuire: But if you are doing like the short three second one, I would make sure, like I said earlier, it gets right to the point. Like either of you breaking something open or you’re showing what the inside of it looks like. Something that’s going to grab people right away.
Megan Porta: Yeah. All right. Any last advice for people wanting to grow quickly before we start saying goodbye?
Lee McGuire: Just keep at it. That’s the biggest thing too, because it can be very frustrating. It can be tiresome to constantly sit there after you post. Now I gotta respond to all these comments. I have to comment on other people’s posts. Stick with it. If you stick with it, I really think you will notice some improvement.
Megan Porta: Do you feel like Instagram is on the precipice of big changes? I know that’s also been a rumor floating around. Something big is about to change. Do you feel that?
Lee McGuire: It’s possible. I was so frustrated in the beginning because I feel like I got on Instagram later. I didn’t start till this page. I had my own Instagram account, but I didn’t start the food one until 2019. Then when they switched from pictures to reels, I was so frustrated because I was like, I just feel like I figured this out. Now you’re changing it. I’m not sure. It’s hard to gauge what is going to happen next. But what I can say from my experiences because when they first made that switch, I was adamant. No, I’m just going to keep posting my pictures. But I think we have to be, unfortunately, more fluid and go with the flow of what they’re leaning towards. If you want to grow large, that’s how it’s going to happen.
Megan Porta: Resisting anything has never gone well. That goes for Instagram or anything else. So just go with it. Just flow with it. Thank you so much. This is so relevant and valuable and I can see a lot of people just really loving this information that you provided. So thank you, Lee. This has been great.
Lee McGuire: Of course. Thank you so much for having me.
Megan Porta: Yeah, it was such a fun chat. Do you have either a favorite quote or words of inspiration that you want to share with us?
Lee McGuire: Sure. It’s actually. Favorite quote of mine for a long time. But it actually goes along with what I just said. It’s actually by Thomas Edison and he said, our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time. I feel that’s so true. Especially, in anything in life, obviously, but also if you’re trying to grow on Instagram. This reel did horribly, it tanked and I didn’t see any views. That’s it. Forget it. I’m not doing this anymore. I’m tired of wasting my time. Nope. Post later in the day. Just post again. Just do it again. Try again. See what happens. So anyone who is interested can find me on and it’s gray with an E. G r e y f a r That’s where I have all my recipes. Thanks, Megan.
Outro: Thank you so much for listening to this episode of Eat Blog Talk. Please share this episode with a friend who would benefit from tuning in. I will see you next time.
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