How community will take your business to the next level!

We want to hear from you! Leave a comment on this post that answers this question: What is your definition of “success”?

If you haven’t checked out our last post yet, you should! We gave a sneak peek inside the community platform and we hope you like what you see. 

The success of your business depends on connection and community. This piece of the puzzle might seem small, but it holds massive value. Connection with other food bloggers will bring you clarity about where your focus should be and also the confidence to dig in in a huge new way.

You need to remember that every successful blogger gets to a place in the journey where it is realized that community is NEEDED. You are most definitely not alone with this. It is never too late to start connecting!

Community creates a breeding ground for success!

Megan here again! In my last post I talked about how community gave me clarity about what to focus on as a food blogger. 

I shared about how I realized that my “audience” was not actually an audience but instead a collection of random people who were coming to my blog from ONE source (Pinterest) and for literally one of two recipes (either my Meatloaf or my Chili recipe). I mean, talk about a big slap in the face.

That was the point where I dug into how to retain people and actually form a little group that was worthy of being called an audience. This led to deep research on SEO and email marketing and also what the heck Google wanted from me (because prior to this point I’d never given Google any of my time or effort). 

Each of the components I just mentioned led to other things like creating a user avatar and making sure my recipe cards were marked up properly and improving photography skills. I could go on and on because there are so many different pieces of the puzzle when it comes to food blogging, but you get the point. The first important thing to focus on (the need for an actual audience) trickled down and led to other important things. But it all started with community. Without hearing other food bloggers’ stories and experiences and insights, I’d still be relying solely on my chili and meatloaf performance on Pinterest.

The Eat Blog Talk community platform brings community and CLARITY into your business. As a member of the community, you will go from feeling overwhelmed to knowing exactly what your next step should be.

Inside the Eat Blog Talk community platform you will have access to mastermind groups, challenges that will help you focus on a variety of different elements, a resources and service provider directory, as well as exclusive content from experts in different areas. 

Don’t waste 8 years like I did. Take your food blogging business to the next level quickly by diving into community, resources and value inside the EBT community platform.

xo Megan

Define “success,” Then Go Get It!

Every food blogger at some point in the journey feels like success could never possibly happen. We all have either been at that place or are still in that place, looking at the “successful” ones who have found financial freedom or a spot on the Food Network or a cookbook deal or the ability to stay home with their kids or any other definition of “success.” 

We see those journeys as being exceptional and unattainable. We tell ourselves that those bloggers worked harder and longer. Or maybe we believe that they found their way because of luck or because the food blogging space wasn’t as saturated back then.

But guess WHAT. Whatever your definition of “success” is? YOU CAN HAVE THAT. If you really want it, it’s yours. It might take you two years or five years or even 10 years, but achieving your goals is 100% doable. 

I’m telling you from first-hand experience, though, that you cannot do it without a supportive, thriving community surrounding you. You NEED connections and you NEED to be part of a supportive community.

If you are feeling lonely, isolated, overwhelmed, disconnected, or like you could never possibly achieve the level of success that other food bloggers have achieved…I FEEL YOU. I have felt all of those things. You are not alone and this job was not meant to be navigated alone.

The Eat Blog Talk Community Platform Brings These Same Important Elements Into YOUR Business

As a member of the community, you will go from feeling lonely and totally overwhelmed by ALLLLL the food blogging things to being connected with like-minded food bloggers and you will have the confidence to move forward with your business in a new way and clarity about your next steps.

Inside the Eat Blog Talk community platform you will have access to mastermind groups, challenges that will help you focus on a variety of different elements, a resources and service provider directory, as well as exclusive content from experts in different areas.

Don’t waste eight years like I did. Take your food blogging business to the next level quickly by diving into community, resources and value inside the EBT community platform.

From Overwhelmed and Lonely to Connected and Confident!

On August 11th you will receive information about an offer that will demolish your feelings of being overwhelmed and lonely and that will replace them with connectedness and confidence. Keep your eyes peeled for that email because you will have a LIMITED TIME to take advantage of bonuses and discounts.

More of Your Questions Answered!

Is the platform geared toward just US residents or can international bloggers join, too?
The platform is not exclusive just to U.S. residents. No matter where you are at in the world, you can become a part of the EBT community!

Is it geared just toward newer bloggers or can more experienced bloggers benefit from it, as well?
The EBT community platform is geared toward bloggers of all experience levels. There is something for everyone waiting inside!

Will I get a weekly email with the latest news about what is going on inside the platform?
We will send out weekly emails with the latest information and updates, so you won’t miss a thing!

Talk to me, Goose!

We want to hear from you! Leave a comment on this post that answers this question: What is your definition of “success”?