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Women have come so far in the “working world” in the past handful of years. This new movement of women entrepreneurs just KILLING it with their businesses is super inspiring.
TODAY women are doing things on their own. We are taking things into our own hands. We are earning money for ourselves and our families. We are filled with passion and drive that has launched us into this wave of awesomeness.
There is still a gap in pay between men and women in the corporate world but slowly things are changing.
Being a woman entrepreneur has never been more exciting. We are creating room for ourselves in the world to make just as much (or more!) money than anyone else by being incredible business owners.
For women it is common to hear those doubting thoughts creep in. “Am I smart enough?” and “Isn’t it greedy to want money?” are common ones. You are ALL smart enough and NO, it is not greedy to want to earn money.
Obviously we reap the benefits of earning our own cash, but there’s a bigger purpose. Part of the reason that women entrepreneurs hustle is so they can reach the next pay breakthrough and be a part of overcoming the collective powerlessness women have historically been a part of.
In the past and still today women have collectively been powerless in different ways. Some might stay in abusive relationships because of a lack of money and some work harder than male colleagues for half the pay.
There is also a stigma about women and the way they discuss money. This needs to end!
Anything is possible when it comes to bringing in money! Finally with this movement of women entrepreneurs killing it with their businesses, monetary worth is being placed on just how smart women are!
If you are a woman entrepreneur who is working hard but isn’t quite yet seeing this financial abundance show up in your life, keep this quote from Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich in mind: “The quality and quantity of the service you render, plus the mental attitude in which you render it, determines the amount of pay you get and the sort of job you hold.” Keep the QQS acronym (Quality, Quantity, Spirit) in mind as you work toward your goals.
The money is out there for you, as long as you are in a good “place” with money.
Ask yourself these questions: When you think of making money, how do you feel? and What sorts of thoughts do you have on an average day on the topic of money?
If your thoughts about money are not positive, consider taking a renewed outlook. This will benefit YOU and it will honor women collectively.